

Although bacterial infection (caused by Helicobacter pylori) is the most common cause of stomach ulcers, medications, including aspirin and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (such as ibuprofen), can put you at risk for stomach ulcers. Avoid overusing them.

meal time

Eating or snacking too close to bedtime may cause heartburn. Eat your last meal or snack at least two to three hours before bed to help your digestive system. If you're prone to heartburn, place a few books at one end of the bed so your head is higher than your feet.

eating too much

Aim to eat smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day, which will make it easier for your body to digest food. Eating too much at once can cause acid reflux or bloating.

eating too little fiber

You need about 25 grams of fiber per day to keep bowel movements regular and prevent constipation. If you're looking for ways to increase fiber, try adding some of the following foods to your diet: sweet potatoes, oranges, apples, broccoli, nuts, bananas, carrots, spinach, beetroot, green beans and cauliflower.

eating too fast

When you eat quickly you don't give your stomach enough time to expand, which can cause pain and discomfort. Additionally, you may be swallowing unnecessary air, making you feel bloated.

drinking too much

Alcohol can promote the formation of ulcers or prevent them from healing. Excessive or frequent alcohol consumption can also cause stomach upset and even diarrhea.

chewing gum

Your gum habits may cause you to swallow too much air, causing you to feel bloated. Artificial sweeteners in chewing gum can also worsen bloating. Sucking on hard candies has the same effect. If you want to keep your mouth busy, drink flavored water.

Postpone colonoscopy

Most colon cancers occur in people who don't have any pain or other symptoms. Schedule your first colonoscopy when you are 50 years old, unless your doctor advises otherwise.

clean intestines

If your guts are healthy, they will be able to "clean" themselves as part of the normal digestive process. Using laxatives containing herbal extracts, such as senna, or chemical preparations containing phenolphthalein will make your intestines work overtime and may lead to diarrhea. A bout of diarrhea can cause you to become dehydrated and lose many of the beneficial microorganisms that play important roles in your digestive system. Additionally, laxatives may actually cause constipation by interfering with peristalsis rather than "cleaning you up."


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