
What are shiitake mushrooms?

Shiitake mushrooms are edible fungi native to East Asia.
They are tan to dark brown and have caps between 2 and 4 inches (5 and 10 cm) long. Although commonly eaten like a vegetable, shiitake mushrooms are fungi that grow naturally on decaying hardwood trees. About 83% of shiitake mushrooms are grown in Japan, although the United States, Canada, Singapore and China also produce them. You can find them fresh, dried, or in a variety of dietary supplements.

Nutritional content of shiitake mushrooms

Shiitake mushrooms are low in calories. They also provide plenty of fiber, as well as B vitamins and some minerals.

The nutritional content of 4 dried shiitake mushrooms (15 grams) is:

  • Calories: 44
  • Carbohydrates: 11 grams
  • Fiber: 2 grams
  • Protein: 1g
  • Riboflavin: 11% of Daily Value (DV)
  • Niacin: 11% of DV
  • Copper: 39% of DV
  • Vitamin B5: 33% of DV
  • Selenium: 10% of DV
  • Manganese: 9% of DV
  • Zinc: 8% of DV
  • Vitamin B6: 7% of DV
  • Folic acid: 6% of DV
  • Vitamin D: 6% of DV

In addition, shiitake mushrooms contain many of the same amino acids as meat. They also possess polysaccharides, terpenoids, sterols and lipids, some of which have immune-enhancing, cholesterol-lowering and anti-cancer effects. The amount of bioactive compounds in shiitake mushrooms depends on how and where the mushrooms are grown, stored and prepared.

How are they used?

Shiitake mushrooms have two main uses – as food and as a supplement.

Shiitake Mushrooms as a Whole Food

You can cook with both fresh and dried shiitake mushrooms, although dried is more popular. Dried shiitake mushrooms have a more intense umami flavor than fresh ones. Umami can be described as salty or meaty. It is often considered the fifth taste, along with sweet, sour, bitter and salty. Both dried and fresh shiitake mushrooms can be used in stir-fries, soups, stews, and other dishes.

Shiitake Mushrooms as a Supplement

Shiitake mushrooms have long been used in traditional Chinese medicine. They are also part of the medical traditions of Japan, Korea, and eastern Russia. In traditional Chinese medicine, shiitake mushrooms are believed to promote health and longevity, as well as improve blood circulation. Research shows that some bioactive compounds in shiitake mushrooms may protect against cancer and inflammation. However, many studies are conducted in animals or test tubes rather than in people. Animal studies often use doses far beyond what people typically get from food or supplements. Additionally, many mushroom-based supplements on the market have not been tested for effectiveness. Although the proposed benefits are promising, more research is needed.

May help heart health

Shiitake mushrooms may promote heart health. For example, they contain three compounds that help lower cholesterol:
  • Elidenin. This compound inhibits enzymes involved in the production of cholesterol.
  • Sterol. These molecules help block the intestinal absorption of cholesterol.
  • Beta-glucan. This fiber can lower cholesterol.

One study on hypertensive rats found that shiitake mushroom powder prevented increases in blood pressure. A study of laboratory rats fed a high-fat diet showed that rats that ate shiitake mushrooms had less fat in their livers, less plaque on their arterial walls, and lower cholesterol levels than rats that didn't eat any mushrooms. Still, these effects need to be confirmed in human studies before any solid conclusions can be drawn.

May strengthen your immune system

Shiitake mushrooms may also help boost your immune system. One study gave people two dried shiitake mushrooms a day. After a month, their immune markers improved and inflammation levels dropped. This immune effect may be due in part to a polysaccharide in shiitake mushrooms. While people's immune systems tend to weaken as we age, a mouse study found that supplements from shiitake mushrooms can help reverse some age-related declines in immune function.

Contains compounds with potential anticancer activity

The polysaccharides in shiitake mushrooms may also have anti-cancer effects. For example, the polysaccharide lentinan helps fight tumors by activating your immune system. Lentinan has been shown to inhibit the growth and spread of leukemia cells. In China and Japan, an injectable form of lentinan is used along with chemotherapy and other major cancer treatments to improve immune function and quality of life in gastric cancer patients. However, the evidence is insufficient to determine whether eating shiitake mushrooms has any effect on cancer.

Other potential benefits

Shiitake mushrooms can also help fight infections and promote bone health.

Promising antibacterial and antiviral effects

Several compounds in shiitake mushrooms have antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal effects. As antibiotic resistance increases, some scientists believe it is important to explore the antibacterial potential of shiitake mushrooms. That said, while the isolated compounds showed antibacterial activity in test tubes, eating shiitake mushrooms is unlikely to have any effect on viral, bacterial or fungal infections in humans.

Can strengthen your bones

Mushrooms are the only natural plant source of vitamin D. Your body needs vitamin D to build strong bones, but few foods contain this important nutrient. The vitamin D levels of mushrooms depend on how they are grown. When exposed to UV rays, they produce higher levels of this compound. In one study, mice fed a low-calcium, low-vitamin D diet developed symptoms of osteoporosis. In contrast, those given calcium and UV-enhanced shiitake mushrooms had higher bone density. However, keep in mind that shiitake mushrooms provide vitamin D2. This is an inferior form compared to vitamin D3, which is found in fatty fish and some other animal foods.

possible side effects

Most people can safely consume shiitake mushrooms, although some side effects may occur. In rare cases, people can develop a rash from eating or handling raw shiitake mushrooms. This condition is called lentinan dermatitis and is thought to be caused by lentinan. Additionally, long-term use of powdered mushroom extract may cause other side effects, including stomach upset and sensitivity to sunlight. Some people also claim that the high purine levels of mushrooms can cause symptoms in people with gout. However, research shows that eating mushrooms is linked to a lower risk of gout.

How to cook with shiitake mushrooms

Mushrooms have a unique umami flavor, which is especially useful when making vegetarian dishes. Shiitake mushrooms are usually dried. Soak them in hot water to soften them before cooking. To choose the best specimens, look for ones that are sold whole rather than by slices. The cap should be thick with deep white gills. When cooking with fresh shiitake mushrooms, remove the stems that remain firm even after cooking. Store the stems in the refrigerator to make vegetable soup.

You can cook shiitake mushrooms the same way you cook other mushrooms. Here are some suggestions:

  • Saute mushrooms with vegetables and serve with boiled eggs.
  • Add them to pasta dishes or stir-fries.
  • Use them to make delicious soups.
  • Roast them for a crispy snack or side dish.

bottom line

Shiitake mushrooms have a long history of use as food and supplements. While research on the health benefits of these mushrooms is promising, human studies are sparse. However, shiitake mushrooms are low in calories and contain a variety of vitamins, minerals and bioactive plant compounds. Overall, they are an excellent addition to your diet.


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