E421 甘露醇

E421 Mannitol

healthy PIG
E421 is the European food additive code for mannitol. Mannitol is a sugar alcohol (polyol) commonly used in the food industry as a sweetener and bu...
甜味劑: E950 安賽蜜 K

Sweetener: E950 Acesulfame potassium K

healthy PIG
E950 is the European food additive code for acesulfame K, also known as acesulfame potassium. Acesulfame potassium K is a non-caloric sweetener com...
食品添加物 - E338 磷酸

Food Additive-E338 Phosphoric Acid

healthy PIG
Phosphoric acid (E338) is a clear, odorless liquid commonly used as an acidifier in the food and beverage industry. It is an inorganic acid contain...
高果糖玉米糖漿: 用途和爭論

High Fructose Corn Syrup: Uses and Controversies

healthy PIG
High Fructose Corn Syrup: How Does It Affect Your Health? Learn about the effects of high fructose corn syrup on your health.

Is carbonated water good or bad for you? bubble truth

healthy PIG
You've probably asked yourself at some point whether the carbonated water you drink is good or bad for your body pus. But there are conflicting opinions about the health effects of sparkling drinks . Should you swap sparkling water for sparkling water or drink still water? Understanding the differences between carbonated options can help you figure out which one is best for your unique needs . 

Carbonated Water Uses and Health Effects

healthy PIG
Uses of carbonated water drinks One of the most common uses for carbonated water is as the base for a variety of beverages. It is used to make ca...

Health Benefits of Persimmons

healthy PIG
Persimmons are a nutrient-dense fruit packed with vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants that offer a range of health benefits. Here are some p...

Why does a pineapple ripen faster when flipped?

healthy PIG
Inverted pineapple ripening is a method of turning the pineapple upside down to promote even ripening. The idea behind this technique is to redistr...
檸檬酸鈣: 類型, 補充劑用途和食品添加劑用途等

Calcium Citrate: Types, Supplement Uses and Food Additive Uses etc.

healthy PIG
Calcium citrate is the calcium salt of citric acid. These compounds contain calcium ions combined with citrate ions to form salts with varying degr...

Are Pyrroloquinoline Quinone (PQQ) Supplements Really Good?

healthy PIG
Pyrroloquinoline quinone ( PQQ; Pyrroloquinoline quinone), also known as methoxybutane, is a compound that acts as a cofactor for certain enzymes i...

Potassium acetate uses

healthy PIG
Potassium acetate is the potassium salt of acetic acid and is commonly used in a variety of applications. Here are some of the major uses of potass...
E1505 檸檬酸三乙酯

E1505 Triethyl citrate

healthy PIG
Triethyl citrate, additive code E1505, is a food additive used for various purposes in the food industry. It belongs to the citrate ester category ...