位於新蒲崗首間大型健身中心 Let's Fitness 於9月1日正式開業,9月3號為Grand Opening 大日子,屆時舉行簡單而隆重的開幕儀式,歡迎各位朋友親臨Let's Fitness 參觀及免費試玩,親身體驗區內設備完善,專業的健身中心。
Let's Fitness 佔地近萬呎,坐落新蒲崗核心地帶越秀廣場一樓,擁有全新及先進的健身器材,搏擊區備有專業的設置,跳舞/瑜珈房寬廣舒適,加上駐場私人教練免費提供專業指導,助你達成個人的健身目標。現在就來 Let's Fitness 親身體會全新的健身感受!

全球對追求健康生活意識上揚,健康和快樂的生活,成為人人追求的理想目標,我們必須要有強健的體魄,才能更好地去享受人生。身邊所有人一起健康、快樂就是我們公司的夢想 !多年來,健身行業經歷許多改變,但我們仍然堅持著唯一的宗旨,始終如一,為顧客提供最好的設備、專業導師、多元化的課程、貼身的建議及最合適的健身環境,為學員提供舒適度極高的訓練空間,這就是我們成立Let’s Fitness的原因。

Let's Fitness, the first large-scale fitness center in San Po Kong, officially opened on September 1st, and the grand opening on September 3rd. At that time, the opening ceremony will be simple and grand. Friends are welcome to visit Let's Fitness and try it for free. The area is well-equipped and professional fitness center.
Let's Fitness occupies an area of nearly 10,000 feet, on the first floor of Yuexiu Plaza, the core area of San Po Gang. It has brand new and advanced fitness equipment. The fighting area is equipped with professional settings. The dancing/yoga room is spacious and comfortable. A personal trainer is provided for free. Come to Let's Fitness now to experience a brand new fitness experience for yourself!

The global awareness of the pursuit of a healthy life is rising, and a healthy and happy life has become the ideal goal pursued by everyone. We must have a strong body in order to better enjoy life. It is our company's dream to be healthy and happy with everyone around us! Over the years, the fitness industry has undergone many changes, but we still adhere to the sole purpose of consistently providing customers with the best equipment, professional instructors, diversified courses, personal advice and the most suitable fitness environment for students A highly comfortable training space, this is the reason why we established Let's Fitness.