Registered Yoga School
Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider
Experienced Yoga Teacher
~ Let Yoga Heal You ~
Want to know ME? 我是誰?

From a very young age, Amanda had a feeling that she had come to the wrong planet. She could never understand the people, things and circumstances around her.
Nothing seemed right, there was a strong feeling that she didn’t belong here.
Then yoga came into her life, and all the answers finally emerged.
Everything seems to be on the right path now… the world has become harmonious, people became nicer, and everything has gradually returned to their own places after she reunited with her heart, body and spirit.
She understands how frustrating it is to be a beginner, how hard it is to keep going as you become more experienced, and how helpless you feel when you reach a peak plateau and are not sure how to move on.
She wants to help you find the heartfelt mission in life through your yoga practice. The process may be full of obstacles and thorns, but she believes that those things which take us into the darkness will also drive us till the dawn.
Let her walk with you for a while, take a little step, learn a little more, make a little progress in your every practice. Step by step, just keep going, you can go beyond your yesterday self and become the best version of you!
Amanda has more than 15 years of yoga practice and teaching experience. She has been learning from famous masters all over the world. She has had rich experience in cooperating with different organizations and schools in order to promote yoga.
She has received certification as a senior teacher and trainer of the Yoga Alliance (E-RYT® 500, YACEP®).
She founded the Lazy Cat Yoga Studio in 2015, and has actively promoted traditional yoga and transmitted the spirit of yoga (yamas, niyamas, asana, pranayama, pratyahara , drarana, dhyana and samadhi).
In recent years, she has focused on training yoga instructors and conducting various types of training workshops.
Amanda is also a certified Hand Therapist, Tuning Fork Therapist, Akashic Records Interpreter, PhysioYoga Therapist, Crystal Singing Bowls Sound Therapist and Yoga Nidra Instructor.
She surrendered in spiritual healing, and has studied and practiced with chakras, crystals, mantras, singing bowls, flower remedy, and totem for many years. She also has a strong bonding with children and animals.
Amanda believes that yoga is a lifelong practice, and the highest purpose of yoga is self realization.
She believes that you should “Be the best version of yourself by practicing yoga”.
She hopes to get in touch with you and plant beautiful seeds together.
Then, let’s wait for the flowers to bloom.
從小到大, 雅曼達總覺得自己來錯了星球,她與周遭的人、物、境總是那麼的格格不入......
一切彷彿都不對, 整個人好像在分裂中,沒有一處是對的。
直到遇上瑜伽, 答案終於遂漸浮現。
她是美國瑜伽聯盟最高認證資格的資深導師及培訓導師(Yoga Alliance E-RYT® 500, YACEP®)。她於2015年開設懶惰貓瑜伽館,積極推廣傳統瑜伽並傳遞瑜伽八支精神:持戒、內修、體位法、呼吸法、收攝、心靈集中、禪定與三摩地。
授課地區 | 沙田 |
地址 | 金背灣街2-12號威力工業中心7K |
電話 | |
Website | |
運動類別 | 瑜伽、普拉提 |
開放時間 | |
能否提供上課場地 | 可以 |
能否安排小組課堂 |