
Calorie restriction can be harmful

Healthy PIG

People trying to lose weight often limit the number of calories they eat. However, restricting calories too severely can lead to a variety of health problems, including reduced fertility and weakened bones. This article explains 5 potentially harmful effects of calorie restriction and helps you determine a calorie deficit that's right for you.


Can eating too few calories hinder your metabolism?

Healthy PIG
If you're like most people who want to lose weight, you want to lose weight quickly . Therefore, you may want to make significant changes to your d...

Does Calories In vs. Calories Out Really Matter?

Healthy PIG

If you've ever tried to lose weight, you've probably heard about the importance of "calories in versus calories out." The basis of this concept is that as long as you eat less calories than you burn, you will lose weight. However, some people insist that the type of food you eat is more important than the number of calories it contains - both in terms of weight loss and long-term health. This article examines whether the "calories in versus calories out" model really matters.


How many calories are in chicken? Chicken breast, chicken legs, chicken wings, etc.

Healthy PIG

When it comes to lean protein, chicken is a popular choice because it contains a lot of protein without a lot of fat in one serving.

Plus, it's easy to cook at home and available in most restaurants. No matter what type of cuisine you're eating, you can find chicken dishes on almost any menu.

But you might be wondering just how many calories are in that piece of chicken on your plate.

Chicken comes in many cuts, including breasts, thighs, wings, and drumsticks. Each cut contains a different number of calories and a different ratio of protein to fat.

Here are the calorie counts for the most popular chicken nuggets.


Food calories

Healthy PIG
Most people only associate calories with food and drinks, but anything that contains energy has calories. Food calories described on food labels ar...