
General Burger Calories and Nutritional Values

healthy PIG
The calorie content of a General Burger depends on its ingredients and size. Generally speaking, the calorie content of a General Burger can range ...

What makes burgers an “anytime food”?

healthy PIG
Whether you're craving a juicy beef burger, a veggie burger, or a chicken burger, there's no doubt this comfort food is perfect for any occasion. Do you want a quick bite on the way to work or just a leisurely weekend lunch? Burgers are always the right decision.

Which is healthier: hot dogs or hamburgers?

healthy PIG
Only one of these is most popular during grilling season. Baseball season has officially begun, and barbecue season isn’t far behind. When you're deciding what to put on the grill, you may be wondering which all-American food is healthier - hot dogs or burgers?
The short answer is, neither succeeds, so let's take a look at why.

What are the benefits of eating burgers?

healthy PIG
Red meat, including hamburgers, is often overlooked as part of a nutritious diet. But moderate intake is perfect for a balanced diet. Hamburger meat is rich in nutrients such as iron, vitamin B-12 and protein. So if you're in good health, there may be some benefits to eating a burger once in a while.

Burger Nutrition Facts, Calories and Health Benefits

healthy PIG
Do you like juicy burgers? Although burgers are a staple on most fast food restaurant menus, eating an occasional single-patty burger can be part of a nutritious diet. You just need to know how to order food when dining out, or how to cook a burger to stay healthy.