
Protecting Your Teeth from Acid Erosion: Tips for Better Dental Health

healthy PIG
Our teeth are resilient, but they are not impervious to damage, especially when exposed to acidic foods and beverages. Acid erosion occurs when the...

Are you too old for braces?

healthy PIG
Ideally, human teeth should be aligned like the keys on a piano. Unfortunately, many people have to deal with crooked teeth, a crowded smile, or a misaligned bite. These problems cause more than just cosmetic problems. Crowded or overlapping teeth can be difficult to clean and more likely to lead to cavities and gum disease. When you close your jaw, your teeth don't fit together properly (a problem called malocclusion, or "bad bite"), which can cause chewing and swallowing problems. Poor tooth alignment can also make certain sounds difficult to pronounce and put excessive stress on the chewing muscles, causing facial pain.

How braces improve dental health

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Did you know braces can improve your dental health? Dental and orthodontic care go hand in hand. Many dentists are trained to spot bite and alignment problems. These problems can be corrected with appropriate orthodontic care and should be corrected early, before the child outgrows them. Getting braces as a child can correct problems that become serious later in life. Wearing braces as a teen or even as an adult can greatly improve your oral health because it reduces the chance of tooth decay and even gum disease. Straighter teeth are teeth that are easier to clean and care for. \

What are the health benefits of braces?

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Who doesn’t long for straight teeth and a beautiful smile? While braces ensure straighter teeth and enhance their appearance, they also have many surprising medical benefits! From preventing cavities, gum disease, and cavities to improved oral health and better digestion, here are some of the long-term medical benefits of braces.

Does wearing braces hurt?

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Considering braces? You may be wondering how much damage they can cause. Braces can cause discomfort, but they're usually not too bad.

Caring for your teeth with braces

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Maintaining good oral hygiene is one of the most critical aspects that determines the overall prognosis of orthodontic treatment. Food particles trapped in braces or braces can cause plaque buildup and accelerate the attack of oral microorganisms on the teeth, leading to dental complications such as cavities. Proper oral hygiene includes professional dental instruction, use of the correct tools, and patient motivation. The first step an orthodontist takes is to educate the patient on the need for oral hygiene during orthodontic treatment. The main goal is to achieve changes in patient behavior. One study suggests this process should include ongoing proactive reminders via phone calls from dentists. This can lead to positive behavioral changes while increasing awareness of disease prevention.

Orthodontic braces and retainers

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  • Braces and retainers are appliances used to help straighten teeth.
  • Your dentist or orthodontist may recommend braces if you need to correct your bite, have problems with jaw function, or want to improve your smile.
  • There are many options for braces, so you can work with your dentist or orthodontist to find one that's right for you.
  • Orthodontic treatment is usually performed during the teenage years.
  • These braces usually take 1 to 3 years to straighten your teeth.