食品添加劑: 胡蘿蔔素 (E160a)

Food additive: Carotene (E160a)

healthy PIG
Food additive E160a (carotene) belongs to the coloring substance - carotenoid and is labeled as additive E160 in the food industry. E160 refers to ...

What is zeaxanthin?

healthy PIG
Zeaxanthin is a common carotenoid, a pigment found in high concentrations in dark green vegetables, orange and yellow fruits, and egg yolks. It is also one of only two carotenoids found in the human eye and helps protect the eyes from oxidation and the harmful effects of light. Carotenoids act as antioxidants, substances that protect body cells from damage. They are also thought to have anti-cancer properties.

Cucumber health benefits

healthy PIG
Cucumbers are refreshing, juicy members of the gourd family that are popular in summer dishes and salads around the world. Cucumbers thrive in warm temperatures, making them a common addition to the summer garden. Their mild flavor makes them easy to add to many dishes without affecting the taste of the food, making cucumbers an easy way to add servings to small meals. Cucumbers can also be pickled, and they absorb the flavor of brine better than almost any other green. Technically, cucumbers are considered berries, not vegetables. However, their green skin still offers some significant health benefits, as do the rest of the cucumber.