

healthy PIG
雞心辣椒 (Hinkelhatz Hot Pepper),也叫朝天椒,向天椒、指天椒、長柄椒、小辣椒、小果椒、小金剛。學名: Capsicum annuum L var. fasciculatum Irish,是辣椒 (Capsicum annuum) 品種之一。其形狀酷似雞心,故名雞心椒。其...

Jalapeños: Flavor your taste buds with delicious heat

healthy PIG
The Jalapeno pepper is a small but powerful chili pepper that has become a staple in kitchens around the world, adding a spicy kick to a variety of...

Paprika vs. Cayenne: A Comprehensive Comparison

healthy PIG
The world of paprika and chili! This stunning comparison will inspire your culinary creativity as you explore their unique characteristics, from appearance and flavor to health benefits and cost. Enhance your appreciation of these two alluring giants of the spice world.