
Sauerkraut Juice: Benefits, Uses and Disadvantages

healthy PIG
Sauerkraut juice, sauerkraut juice or sauerkrautsaft (as it is called in German) refers to the liquid used to pickle sauerkraut. Some people drink this juice, made from pickling brine and cabbage juice, which is said to have health benefits.

Fermented foods like sauerkraut have long been considered to have health benefits, but when it comes to drinking sauerkraut juice, there are some drawbacks you may want to consider. Here's what you need to know.

Health benefits of sauerkraut

Healthy PIG

Although it may be the cornerstone of the Eastern European diet, sauerkraut is not a dish that makes most of us cheer. Sauerkraut (also known as "sauerkraut") is a method of preserving cabbage invented a long time ago. Kraut is made by mixing together chopped fresh cabbage and salt and pressing the mixture, which releases water and causes fermentation. Fermentation brings wonderful microbes to life, which may be enough to motivate you to eat that little pile of pickles served with potatoes and kielbasas.