印度人參: 益處,營養價值,副作用,評論

印度人參: 益處,營養價值,副作用,評論

healthy PIG
亮點 什麼是印度人參(Ashwagandha)? 健康益處 使用方法 藥物互動 副作用和不利之處 論壇摘錄的10條評論 產品類型和推薦產品 其他重要或有趣的信息 結論 什麼是印度人參(Ashwagandha)? 印度人參(Ashwagandha),學名Withania somni...
睡茄 (Ashwagandha) - 用途、副作用、和更多

Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha) - Uses, Side Effects, and More

healthy PIG
Ashwagandha is an evergreen shrub that grows in Asia and Africa. It is often used to relieve stress.
Ashwagandha contains chemicals that may help calm the brain, reduce swelling, lower blood pressure and alter the immune system.
Since ashwagandha has been traditionally used as an adaptogen, it is used for many stress-related conditions. Adaptogens are thought to help the body resist physical and mental stress. It is used to treat insomnia, aging, anxiety, and many other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support most of these uses. There is also insufficient evidence to support the use of ashwagandha to treat COVID-19.
Don't confuse ashwagandha with physalis. Both are called winter cherries. Also, don’t confuse ashwagandha with American ginseng, ginseng, or eleuthero.