
Available Eczema Treatments

healthy PIG
There is no cure for eczema, but there are many treatments available, with more coming soon. In fact, an unprecedented number of new treatments for eczema are currently being developed. Some people with eczema find potential treatments by participating in clinical trials, the scientific process of developing new drug treatments.
Depending on the type and severity of eczema, treatments include lifestyle changes, over-the-counter (OTC) or prescription medications. Eczema symptoms may vary from person to person. Not everyone will respond in the same way to the same treatment plan, so it's best to familiarize yourself with all the options and talk to your health care provider to find a treatment plan that's right for you or your child.

Eczema and chronic fatigue syndrome

healthy PIG
Eczema and chronic fatigue syndrome are both inflammatory conditions that can be caused or irritated by allergic reactions to food and stress. Symp...

Links between eczema and other diseases

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Atopic dermatitis is a heterogeneous, chronic, inflammatory skin disease associated with a severe symptom burden. Recent studies have shown an association between atopic dermatitis and many multiorgan and systemic diseases. The origins of these comorbidities are likely multifactorial, including the combined effects of skin barrier disruption, immune dysregulation, severe symptoms, and iatrogenic complications. Some of these comorbidities appear to be related to the underlying severity of atopic dermatitis and inadequate disease control. This review will summarize recent advances in the understanding of comorbid health disorders associated with atopic dermatitis, specifically infections, sleep disorders, and cardiovascular disease.

Eczema and your mental health

healthy PIG
Living with a chronic skin condition like eczema is not easy. Managing dry, itchy, inflamed skin can be a major source of stress, especially if you...