

healthy PIG
蠔豉,是蠔(牡蠣)乾。中文發音聽起來像“好市”或“好事",這是一個普遍的傳統,中國人相信吃含有幸運意義的食物,特別是在農曆新年期間,會給他們帶來好運。起源於中國廣東,因此它是粵菜中著名的食物,尤其是在節日期間。 為什麼要做蠔豉? 新鮮蠔曬乾後就成為蠔乾,不僅鮮味濃縮,而且可以延長保存期限,方...

How to tell if an oyster is bad?

healthy PIG
Oysters are highly perishable, and ensuring their freshness before eating them is critical to preventing foodborne illness. Here are some signs tha...

Nutrition, methods, benefits and disadvantages of frozen oysters

healthy PIG
Not only are oysters a delicious seafood option, they are also a nutrient-dense food that can provide a variety of health benefits. When flash-fro...

Are oysters good for you? Benefits and risks

Healthy PIG

Oysters are saltwater bivalve molluscs that live in marine habitats such as bays and oceans. They are an important part of the ecosystem, filtering pollutants from the water and providing habitat for other species such as barnacles and mussels. There are many different types of oysters—their salty, flavorful flesh is considered a delicacy around the world. Although these molluscs are best known for their so-called aphrodisiac properties, they have a lot to offer in terms of health benefits. This article reviews the impressive health benefits—but also risks—of eating oysters and explains the best way to prepare them.