

healthy PIG
什麼是加碘鹽? 碘鹽是用碘強化的食鹽。 碘是人體產生甲狀腺激素所需的重要微量營養素,而甲狀腺激素對於調節新陳代謝和其他重要的身體功能至關重要。缺碘會導致甲狀腺疾病,如甲狀腺腫、甲狀腺功能低下和發育問題,尤其是孕婦和嬰兒。 為了解決這個缺陷,許多國家實施了加碘計劃,在食鹽製造過程中添加少量碘化鉀...


healthy PIG
鹽在烹飪中發揮著多種重要作用,其效果可能會因鹽的使用方式和添加的食物類型而異。 以下是烹飪過程中鹽對食物的一些作用 增強風味 鹽是一種天然的風味增強劑。 它可以使味蕾更容易感知,從而幫助帶出菜餚中成分的天然風味。 即使少量的鹽也能顯著增強菜餚的整體味道。 鹽與舌頭上的味覺感受器相互作用,特別是...

The diet that hides salt bombs

healthy PIG
Americans love sodium chloride, also known as regular table salt, and they eat too much of it. Unfortunately for salty food lovers, a high-sodium diet can wreak havoc on your health. According to research from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, excess sodium increases your blood volume, which increases your blood pressure. Chronic high blood pressure increases the risk of serious conditions such as heart disease and stroke.

However, we do need sodium for important body functions, such as maintaining a good fluid balance, transmitting nerve impulses, and moving muscles. So how much sodium can you safely consume each day? The latest dietary guidelines from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommend keeping sodium levels below 2,300 milligrams (mg), or 1 teaspoon (tsp), per day. You may benefit more from limiting to 1,500 milligrams, but if you're currently unable to do either of these, even cutting back by 1,000 milligrams can improve your blood pressure.

While most people already know it's best to avoid salty foods like movie theater popcorn and French fries, you also need to keep an eye out for less obvious sodium-rich foods. From canned vegetables to bread, here are some secret salt mines to watch out for.

The difference between refined salt and unrefined salt

Healthy PIG

Salt is salt, right? of course not. There are also many differences in the various brands of salt. This chapter will focus on the differences between refined and unrefined salt. The natural form of salt is called unrefined salt. Unrefined salt has not been altered by humans. Therefore, it contains many different minerals and elements that are beneficial to the body. For example, unrefined sea salt (eg, Celtic sea salt) contains over 80 minerals and elements—all natural elements necessary for life. This is in contrast to refined salt, which contains two main items: sodium and chloride.

飲食中的鈉 - 使用營養成分標籤並減少攝入量

Sodium in the diet-use nutrition labeling and reduce intake

Healthy PIG

People need a small amount of sodium to work properly, but too much sodium may be harmful to your health. According to the American Dietary Guidelines, a high-sodium diet increases the risk of high blood pressure, which is the main cause of stroke and heart disease.

Most dietary sodium (over 70%) comes from edible packaging and prepared foods, not from salt added during cooking or eating. Many foods contain too much sodium, so the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) cooperates with the food industry to reasonably reduce the sodium content in various foods. Even though sodium may already be contained in many packaged foods at the time of purchase, you can still use the nutrition label to reduce your daily sodium intake.