
Parasomnias: Types, Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Strategies

healthy PIG
Parasomnias (also called parasomnias, parasomnias) refer to a group of sleep disorders characterized by abnormal behaviors, movements, emotions, pe...

What are the latest developments in the treatment of narcolepsy (narcolepsy) in 2023?

healthy PIG
As research continues to better understand the mechanisms of narcolepsy, the development of new treatments continues to evolve, providing more options for optimizing treatment of narcolepsy symptoms, particularly excessive daytime sleepiness and cataplexy. Additional data from ongoing and planned clinical trials, as well as real-world evidence from newly approved drugs that are about to become available, will help determine the specific role or place in treatment of these new therapies.

Autism sleep problems

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A good night's sleep isn't guaranteed for anyone, but it's downright elusive for many people with autism. People on the spectrum often have difficulty falling and staying asleep. This may worsen some of their conditions, such as repetitive behaviors, which can make sleep more difficult. Given this destructive feedback loop, sleep issues are one of the most pressing concerns for families struggling with autism. But it also happens to be one of the least researched aspects of autism so far. Here's what researchers know so far about the causes, consequences, and treatments for sleep problems in autism.

CPAP、APAP 和 BiPAP 作為阻塞性睡眠呼吸暫停療法的區別

Differences Between CPAP, APAP, and BiPAP as Obstructive Sleep Apnea Treatments

Healthy PIG
Sleep apnea (sleep apnea) is a group of sleep disorders that cause you to have frequent breathing pauses during sleep. The most common type is ob...