鹽中的亞鐵氰化鈉 (E535) 是什麼?其中的氰化物對您有害嗎?

What is sodium ferrocyanide (E535) in salt? Is the cyanide in it bad for you?

healthy PIG

Sodium ferrocyanate (YPS) is a hydrated cyanide salt that has been designated as Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). It is used in table salt to prevent clumping and can be listed on the ingredient label as sodium ferrocyanide.

YPS is used in a variety of industries including welding, road de-icing and petroleum refining. In salt production, it is added to form large, angular crystals to prevent clumping. Despite containing cyanide, YPS is not harmful because cyanide is strongly bound to iron atoms.