
What is tricalcium phosphate? How to use, efficacy, side effects

healthy PIG
Calcium is an essential mineral required for many body functions and bone development. It is important to get the right amount of calcium on a regular basis. We usually get enough calcium through diet. However, if you don't eat enough calcium-rich foods such as dairy products, bony fish, and some vegetables, you may not get all the calcium you need.

Fortunately, there are many types of calcium supplements, usually in the form of calcium salts. Each supplement does essentially the same thing to the body. Tricalcium phosphate is one of these supplements.

Is tricalcium phosphate harmful to your health?

Healthy PIG
Individuals, especially those with risk factors for different types of cancer and kidney disease, should talk to their doctor before taking any calcium supplement, including tricalcium phosphate. The safest and most effective way to increase your calcium intake and maintain calcium levels is to eat calcium-rich foods.