Raw Garden Salad 花園沙拉

Raw Garden Salad 花園沙拉

Healthy PIG
原料 給沙拉用的: 2 莖芹菜,切片 1/2 甜椒和種子,切碎 1/2 黃瓜,切片 2根胡蘿蔔,磨碎 1 個蘿蔔,磨碎 1杯綠色捲心菜,切碎 1/2 杯苜蓿芽或向日葵芽 2個蔥,切碎 1/2 杯紅捲心菜,切碎 3個中等番茄,切丁 1個成熟的鱷梨...

Hot Smoked Salmon Salad with Chive Buttermilk Dressing

Healthy PIG
This fresh, crispy salad is topped with salmon cubes and finished with a tangy buttermilk and chive dressing