Sincere Yoga HK 善瑜伽

善瑜伽的導師團隊是一群擁有國際認證 (Yoga Alliance) 的瑜伽導師,我們對瑜伽充滿熱誠且教學經驗豐富,確保大家可在安全的環境下練習瑜伽。 我們希望向大家傳授正確的瑜伽知識之餘也發放健康生活態度、愛護地球、愛護動物的正能量;以及為學員帶來的勇敢嘗試、感恩、愉悅、幸福、寧靜和自我覺知的經驗。

課程總監 - Niki Chan
E-RYT® 500, YACEP®
Niki 自2009 年初次接觸瑜伽, 起初只為了減肥瘦身, 希望令自己更好看。透過練習漸漸體會更深層意義, 瑜伽除了可令自己身型更好看之外, 也改變了自己不少壞習慣, 如不良的坐姿及站姿, 作息時間, 以及對食物的選擇和做事的堅持等等。後來 Niki 承師於著名瑜伽導師 Chris Su,認識到瑜伽不止是著重於式子的挑戰, 而是更著重於做回自己身體的主人,連結呼吸,內觀自己身體,看清事實的實相以及接納且尊重每個人的思想及身體都是獨特的等等。Niki 都把這些正念帶到課堂與學生分享。現時 Niki 持續地跟隨各國瑜伽大師進修,與時並進。記得一位老師講過 : 練習瑜伽的人是幸福的。所以 Niki 希望將幸福,透過瑜伽帶給更多人。Niki 願各位健康、平安、以及身心自在。

​Our Instructors
We are a group of experienced international certified yoga instructor. We aim to bring adventures, graceful, joyfulness, happiness, stillness and self-consciousness to everyone through yoga practices.
Niki Chan - Course Leader
E-RYT® 500, YACEP®
Niki’s yoga journey was started in 2009, at the very beginning, she thought yoga as a “sweating” physical fitness exercise and she only concerned about having a good-looking body-shape via yoga practicing. Several months later, she found that apart from a satisfied body-shape, health also been improved, and some of the bad habits in life had also been changed into positive dramatically. She was then craved to know more about YOGA.

Inspired by Yoga Master Chris Su, Niki recognized that yoga is not just about focusing on the challenges of asana, but more focusing on the mindfulness and consciousness of body, mind and soul; by practicing insight yoga, she understands, accepts and respects her own (as well as everyone’s) imperfection and limitations because we are all unique. Niki is more than happy to share what she has learnt to all her students. And she hopes to bring happiness and calmness to more people through Yoga. Niki wishes you healthy and peaceful always.

Niki Chan Holds :

​Yoga Alliance E-RYT 500 hrs registered Advanced yoga instructor
YACEP - Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider for Yoga Teachers​
​Yoga Alliance E-RYT 200 hrs registered yoga instructor
(Hatha Yoga / Mindfulness Yin Yoga / Insight Flow Yoga)
Yoga Alliance RPYS 85 hrs Prenatal & Pregnancy Yoga

Certificated 85 hrs Yoga Therapy Teacher
Bachelor of Arts (Business Management) by The Northumbria

第四屆Yoga Alliance RYT200 小時瑜伽導師課程今日完滿畢業喇🥰🥰恭喜13位美麗活潑嘅寶寶 感謝你地既信任同埋包容 期待你哋學以致用 把瑜伽帶給更多人 加油❤️ 第五屆3 月開課 尚餘最後名額 有興趣既請DM...

Posted by Sincere Yoga HK 善瑜伽 on Friday, 19 February 2021

Niki Chan 持有的資格 :

美國瑜伽聯盟註冊500小時資深高級導師 (E-RYT 500)
美國瑜伽聯盟註冊培訓課程導師 (YACEP)
美國瑜伽聯盟註冊200小時瑜伽導師 (RYT200) Hatha Yoga
美國瑜伽聯盟註冊200小時瑜伽導師 (RYT200) Mindfulness Yin Yoga
美國瑜伽聯盟註冊85小時孕婦瑜伽教練 (RPYT85)
Bachelor of Arts (Business Management) by The Northumbria University UK

本校為國際認可Yoga Alliance RYS® 200 認證培訓學校

授課地區 觀塘
地址 香港觀塘駿業里6號富利工業大廈6樓D室
運動類別 瑜伽、普拉提
能否提供上課場地 可以