

healthy PIG
蝦頭是否含有大量重金屬,應避免食用? 蝦頭的確可能比蝦肉含有較高濃度的某些金屬。這是因為蝦頭及其內部器官(如肝胰腺,負責消化和解毒)會積聚重金屬,如鎘、鉛和汞,以及其他環境污染物。以下是詳細資訊: 為什麼蝦頭可能含有金屬? 生物累積:蝦是底棲生物,可能從生活環境的沉積物中吸收重金屬,特別是...
乾蝦 - 種類、產量等

乾蝦 - 種類、產量等

healthy PIG
乾蝦是以多種蝦類為原料加工而成的熟乾製品。 類型 - 依尺寸 不同種類的蝦乾由不同種類的蝦製成,加工方法不同,看起來自然不同。主要分為「蝦米」和「蝦皮」兩種。 蝦米 蝦米又稱海米、金鉤,是由多種蝦類加工而成的熟乾製品,通常採用各水域的中型蝦,去頭去皮後加工而成。因其質硬,曬乾後體積縮小,形似米...

How to tell if shell-on shrimp is bad?

healthy PIG
Eating contaminated shrimp may cause poisoning. It can be caused by toxins produced by algae, allergenic proteins in shrimp, or harmful bacteri...
吃蝦時需要避免的 12 個錯誤

12 Mistakes to Avoid When Eating Shrimp

healthy PIG
Once a seasonal delicacy in fine dining restaurants, shrimp is now a staple in restaurants and home kitchens. Nowadays, shrimps have become the most popular seafood. Despite their widespread consumption, here are the 12 biggest mistakes Americans make when buying, preparing and cooking shrimp.