吃蝦時需要避免的 12 個錯誤

buy fresh shrimp

Really fresh shrimp, either alive or caught within the last few hours, is a rarity, and in a perfect world, shrimp should be purchased fresh and fresh. So used... Unfortunately during shipping they were frozen due to being extremely perishable. This means that most non-frozen shrimp sold in supermarkets are not fresh at all, but pre-frozen shrimp that has been thawed. This unnecessary thawing process only damages the quality of the shrimp and accelerates the spoilage process, which leads us to conclude that for most people, the best and freshest option is to buy frozen shrimp. However, frozen doesn't always mean fresh. Consumers should be wary of frozen shrimp that have a strong smell and show signs of frostbite, as these are signs of spoilage.

If you live near a shrimping hotspot, such as the Gulf Coast, you might think that the fresh shrimp you buy are the same day's catch. Even if this is the case, it's important to remember that shrimp can go bad quickly, especially if their heads are left on. With this in mind, you should cook fresh shrimp within a day for best results.

Choose block-frozen shrimp instead of quick-frozen

As mentioned before, when purchasing frozen shrimp you must also decide whether to choose block frozen shrimp or single quick frozen shrimp, known in the industry as IQF. Fortunately, the consensus on this choice is pretty widespread, and flash-frozen shrimp has many advantages over frozen shrimp in chunks.

Chief among them is that shrimp lose less water during freezing when using the IQF method. Not only will this keep the shrimp juicier on your plate, but it will also limit freezer burn and other damage that can occur during storage. Additionally, the shrimp are individually frozen, which means that although they are usually stored in a bag with other shrimp, it is easy to remove and defrost the amount of shrimp you need. In contrast, the nature of frozen shrimp in chunks means that the entire package must be thawed, even if only a small amount is needed.

Buy Precooked Shrimp

Many grocery stores offer shrimp that has been cleaned, prepped, and fully cooked. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, almost all commercially available pre-cooked shrimp are boiled in lightly salted water, then cooled, peeled and finally packaged. At home, this product simply defrosts and is ready to eat, making it a time-sensitive favorite.

While pre-cooked shrimp are great for adding to cold dishes, such as salads and shrimp cocktails. Since the shrimp is already cooked, adding it during cooking, or even to hot food, can quickly result in overcooked and rubbery shrimp. Unless time is very short, fresh frozen shrimp should almost always be purchased in place of precooked shrimp.

Choosing the wrong type of shrimp

According to the Fish Society, it's important to realize that the word "shrimp" is an umbrella term for more than 3,000 different species of crustaceans. While the vast majority of them are not consumed by humans, there are still a variety of options when it comes to purchasing shrimp. Each of these species has unique characteristics that make them well suited to different cooking practices. Shrimp are almost considered a commodity...but they all have their own characteristics and flavor profiles. Their unique uses. For example, brown bay shrimp are good in stews and soups, while royal red shrimp are best eaten on their own.

If we expand the palette to include shrimp from all over the world, it becomes clear that there is a shrimp for every cuisine. But for newbies, the best place to start is with size. When crustaceans play supporting roles, smaller shrimp are best suited. On the other hand, larger shrimp are better when they are the focus of the dish.

Using unsustainable shrimp

According to the World Wildlife Fund, more than half of the world's shrimp are now farmed—something that would have been unimaginable 40 years ago, when the shrimp farming industry was fraught with seemingly unsolvable challenges. Aquaculture is one of the reasons for the global abundance of shrimp and the associated decline in prices. Unfortunately, these practices also have significant impacts on the natural environment and many human lives.

Intensive shrimp farming has had a disastrous impact on Bangladesh at both a social and environmental level. Many crop farmers are turning to shrimp farming in response to climate change, which is causing repeated flooding of farmland. Unfortunately, disease, storm damage, and gang monopolies all meant that ordinary farmers benefited little from this shift. Meanwhile, fertilizers and contaminated runoff water have seeped into nearby agricultural sites and contaminated drinking water sources. The Cornucopia Institute stresses that these problems are not unique to Bangladesh, as other shrimp farming countries such as Thailand and India also suffer from large-scale environmental problems caused by shrimp farming.

Because accurately tracking seafood is difficult, one of the best ways Americans can ensure their shrimp is sustainable is to purchase crustaceans caught in U.S. waters. Many domestic shrimp producers use certification to verify their sustainability, providing buyers with an assurance of quality and sustainability that other options lack.

Not defrosted correctly

Since most of us have no choice but to buy frozen shrimp, it's crucial to know the proper thawing procedure. Failure to defrost properly can have dire consequences. As High Speed ​​Training points out, not fully defrosting shrimp will extend the required cooking time, thereby increasing the risk that people will eat undercooked shrimp. 60% of imported shrimp contain harmful bacteria such as salmonella, which means improper cooking can lead to serious illness.

On the other hand, according to the FDA, thawing shrimp for too long can cause its internal temperature to rise into the danger zone, where harmful bacteria can multiply rapidly.

There are many ways to defrost shrimp safely and evenly. The most popular method is to place frozen shrimp in the refrigerator overnight. To defrost shrimp faster, the FDA recommends immersing shrimp in sealed bags in cold water. The advantage of quick-frozen shrimp is that it can be cooked directly from the frozen state, which is thought to compromise the flavor and texture of the crustaceans.

Failure to properly prepare shrimp

Before cooking, you need to prepare the shrimp. How you do this depends largely on what you're using the shrimp for. If you plan to cook them in a rich and flavorful sauce, it is recommended to remove the casing so that the meat can absorb as much flavor as possible. Removing the shells also gives you the opportunity to remove the strings from the shrimp. Simply cut a small slice into the back of the shrimp and use the tip of your knife to pick out the black digestive tract. This will ensure there is no sand, grit, or mud to ruin your dining experience.

On the other hand, there are some benefits to retaining the shell. Cooking shrimp in the shell will bring extra flavor while also preventing the shrimp from overcooking. This makes it ideal when you plan to cook shrimp on a direct heat source like a grill. either way.

Forgot to marinate

Shrimp lose 26% of its quality within three minutes of cooking. Although some moisture will be lost, the drastic reduction in shrimp weight may result in cooked crustaceans that are small, dry, and tough. A far cry from the plump, juicy shrimp we all crave. To prevent moisture loss during cooking, chefs often resort to the simple method of marinating.

brine . Although other ingredients can be added - soak the shrimp in salted water before cooking. The salt draws more water into the shrimp's flesh and then traps it there by denaturing the protein, ensuring the shrimp retain moisture during cooking. Because the shrimp are so small, they don't need to stay in the salt water for long. It will take you less than an hour to complete the process.

Marinate for too long

To add extra flavor to shrimp, many people marinate them before cooking. If you choose to do this, it's important to consider the type of marinade you're making and how long you plan on leaving it, especially when acidic ingredients are involved. That's because shrimp, like almost all seafood, is delicious.

The acid affects the protein structure of the pulp, much like traditional cooking, softening it while killing potentially harmful bacteria. While this is ideal when making ceviche, shrimp left in an acidic marinade will also begin to denature. If left in the marinade for longer than 30 minutes, the texture of the shrimp will become mushy. It's an unappetizing texture that you won't be able to correct.

Shrimp overcooked

Without a doubt, the most common mistake made with shrimp, whether by amateur or professional cooks, is overcooking it. Granted, this is a very easy thing to do; the shrimp are usually small and cooked within a few minutes. That's why careful observation and quick evacuation are crucial. Some chefs even recommend not cooking the shrimp in the first place.

Since shrimp can be overcooked easily, it's best to avoid cooking them with a strong heat source like a grill. Other methods, such as sautéing in a pan, give cooks more control over temperature and cooking time. Cooks should note an even pink color, which indicates the shrimp are fully cooked. The shrimp should then be immediately removed from the hot pan and allowed to rest. Failure to do this may result in the shrimp turning an opaque white color and the shrimp curling up tightly, both of which are signs that the shrimp is overcooked.

Discard shell and head

While not as harmful as overcooking the shrimp themselves, discarding the exoskeletons and heads is a big mistake. Simply put, these parts of the animal hold incredible flavor and it would be a shame to throw it away without utilizing it. Doing so is simple – make some inventory. Simply roast the shells, add aromatics, vegetables and water, and cook for a few hours.

It is recommended to fry the shrimp heads and shells, this cooking process makes them easy to eat. This is a common practice in Japan, where fried heads are considered a perfect accompaniment to beer in izakayas.

Pay attention to the cholesterol content of shrimps

Shrimp contains a lot of cholesterol—161 milligrams per 3 ounces of raw shrimp. To put this into perspective, the recommended daily intake of cholesterol is only 300 milligrams. This may deter some consumers, especially those who already have high cholesterol or are prone to heart disease, from eating shrimp because cholesterol-rich foods have long been thought to raise their own blood cholesterol levels when consumed.

Concerns about dietary cholesterol intake have declined in recent years, however, as studies have shown that the vast majority of blood cholesterol is not affected by diet. Since shrimp roe are low in trans fat and rich in antioxidants, they can now be considered an important part of a healthy diet.


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