
14 Brazilian fruits you may have never heard of

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The extraordinary biodiversity of Brazilian nature is reflected in the wide variety of fruits produced in the country, all of which have strong and attractive smells, aromas and colors, making Brazilians very demanding consumers of fruit. But delivering fresh fruit, which often comes from thousands of kilometers away, to large urban areas quickly enough is nearly impossible. Therefore, the fruit is processed into frozen pulp soon after harvest close to its origin, and only this pulp is sent to consumers. The frozen pulp then makes its way into supermarkets, bars and stalls across Brazil, where it is used to make delicious juices ("sucos") and smoothies. This way, the amazing taste and exceptional nutritional qualities of Brazilian fruits are easily accessible to everyone.

Why do acai berries only grow in Brazil?

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The acai berry is native to the Amazon rainforest in Brazil and grows particularly in the floodplains of the Amazon River. The region's specific climate, soil and water conditions are ideal for the acai palm tree, the tree from which the acai berry is produced, to thrive. The high temperatures, humidity, and rainfall of the Amazon rainforest allow the acai palm tree to grow and bear fruit. Additionally, indigenous people in the Amazon region have used acai berries for centuries, and traditional knowledge of how to grow and harvest the fruit has been passed down from generation to generation.

The Best Acai Berry Powder for Your Health Needs

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This powerful superfood is packed with antioxidants, fiber, and essential fatty acids, making it the perfect addition to your diet. Whether you're looking for an energy boost or just want to add some extra nutrients to your meals, acai berry powder is a great choice. But with so many options on the market, how do you choose the best one? This article will guide you through the world of acai powder and assist you in finding the perfect product for your needs. Start exploring the world of acai powder today and discover new levels of health and wellness in 2023.

Best Acai Berry Supplement

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In recent years, acai berries have become popular for their numerous health benefits. They are known for their high antioxidant content, which helps prevent oxidative stress and inflammation. Acai supplements, in particular, have become a popular way to get these benefits without eating the berries. When looking for the best acai berry supplement, there are a few things to consider. First and foremost, it’s important to look for a supplement that uses high-quality acai berries. This ensures you get the maximum amount of antioxidants and other beneficial compounds. Additionally, it’s important to consider the form of your supplement—capsules, powders, and juices are all common options.

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The Ultimate Guide to Acai Berry: Everything You Need to Know

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A small purple berry with a unique flavor arrives from the other side of the world. As we've grown to know and fall in love with the acai berry, we've also noticed that there's still a lot to learn about this tiny superfruit. So, from its origins to its benefits, from its types to tips on how to sell it, here’s a guide to everything you need to know about the Amazon acai berry!


Why you'll never see fresh acai berries in the grocery store

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Acai berries have been a favorite tropical fruit for years, and it’s no secret why. This small Central and South American berry has a gorgeous purple hue and the perfect balance between mild and tart flavors. Additionally, this fruit is also known as a superfood rich in vitamins and antioxidants. So, if everyone wants to buy acai berries, why is it impossible to find fresh acai berries in the grocery store?

Why is acai (acai berry) so expensive?

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It turns out that the acai berry is actually a deep purple-blue berry that grows on the acai palm tree in the South American rain forests. After th...

Are Acai Bowls Really Healthy?

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Instagram is full of beautiful bowls. But what exactly is an acai bowl? How to make them at home?

Facts and Myths About the Acai Berry

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More and more people are beginning to experience the health benefits of superfoods like goji berries, noni and acai berries. A superfood can be def...

Therapeutic Benefits of Acai Berry Powder

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Is Acai Berry Powder Really Worth the Hype? Does it deserve the title of superfood or even superfruit?

Acai Berry Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits

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Acai berries are grape-like fruits grown on the acai palm tree in the tropical rainforests of South America. Acai berries are often touted as a superfood, and in fact, the berry contains antioxidants (which protect your body from harmful substances called free radicals), fiber, and healthy fatty acids.