
Brazil is a warm country known for climatic conditions that are conducive to the growth of crops.

Avocados and passion fruit are available in large quantities at the local market. Not only are the fruits large, they are often juicy and sweet.

Brazilian food is a serious industry in the country, and most Brazilian fruits are best known in the regions where they are produced or as wild fruits that grow naturally.

Most of the fruits mentioned here are not produced on a large scale, which means that when they reach markets and fairs, their prices are much higher than those of other common fruits.

brazilian fruits

Brazilian fruits often have a sweet taste and unique shapes. They are a great example of food from the tropics – colorful and diverse in shape.

Health Benefits of Brazilian Fruits

In grocery stores and markets we always find the same types of fruits - bananas, apples, oranges, mangoes, and others grown on a small scale depending on the season.

Of course, we should always be careful when eating new fruits or plants that are unknown to us to avoid food poisoning.

15 Best Fruits from Brazil

Siriguela (Spondias purpurea) Siriguela

Pronunciation: see-ree-gweh-lah

This plant is a species in the cashew family. Siligra is rich in vitamins A, B and C, as well as minerals such as calcium, phosphorus and iron.

Siligra has powerful antioxidant and anti-aging properties. This fruit is common in desert and savanna regions of Brazil.

Abiu (Pouteria caimito)

Pronunciation: ah-bee-uh

Abiu is a tree native to the Amazon region. Despite this, it can still be found today in many tropical areas, such as Hawaii.

This Brazilian fruit is rich in vitamin A, calcium and phosphorus. Although abiu resembles a lemon, its flesh is very sweet.

Abiu is known for its healing properties and is great for strengthening the immune system.

Jenipapo (Genipa)

Pronunciation: jeh-nee-pah-poh

Jenipapo can be found in different biomes in Brazil. Nonetheless, resources are more abundant in the north and northeast of the country.

It’s no surprise that this plant belongs to the coffee family. Jenipapo is shaped like a fig but twice as big and tastes sweet and slightly sour.

Brazilians don't eat this fruit because it smells a little weird. Despite this, Jenipabo is still widely used to produce delicious wines, syrups and juices.

This Brazilian fruit is rich in vitamins C and B, iron and calcium.

Mandakaru, Cereus jamacaru

Pronunciation: mahn-dah-kah-ruh

This cactus is common in the Northeast and can grow up to 20 feet (5 m) tall.

Mandakaru is an evergreen plant that produces pink fruits with white flesh.

The starchy, slightly sweet fruit is as big as an apple.

Mandakalu is rich in water, sodium, magnesium and phosphorus.

Guarana, Paullinia cupana

Pronunciation: gwah-rah-nah

Guarana is native to the Amazon basin and is a climbing plant in the soapberry family.

Guarana is a fruit known for its stimulant effects. It contains twice the concentration of caffeine as found in coffee seeds, which is why it is widely used in energy drinks.

The fruit is named for its resemblance to an eyeball. In the Brazilian indigenous language, guarana means "fruit like people's eyes."

Cambuci (Campomanesia phaea)

Pronunciation: kahm-buh-see

Cambuci belongs to the guava and pitanga families.

Cambuci is more popular in the Southeast, more common in the Atlantic Forest, and has even become a neighborhood in the city of São Paulo due to its popularity.

This tree is huge and not only has beautiful white flowers, but also saucer-shaped fruits.

The cambuci fruit is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants and tastes sour like a lime.

Cupuaçu, Theobroma grandiflorum

Pronunciation: kuh-puh-ah-ssuh

Cupuaçu is a tropical rainforest tree related to cocoa, found primarily in northern Brazil.

Since its taste is similar to chocolate, most Brazilians really enjoy eating this fruit or just drinking its juice. This is delicious.

Cupuazu is rich in vitamin C and phosphorus and is widely used in cosmetics for its antioxidant properties.

Cashew apple, Anacardium occidentale – Portuguese: caju

Pronunciation: kah-juh

You may have heard of or eaten cashews before, but cashews aren't the only fruit from the cashew tree.

Or to be more precise, the nut is part of the cashew nut.

Another part of the fruit is called a cashew apple, but it is similar to a red pear.

Cashew apples are rich in vitamin C and make a delicious juice as well as caju amigo, a popular Brazilian cocktail. The taste is sweet and a little sour.

Jabuticaba (Plinia cauliflora)

Pronunciation: jah-buh-tee-kah-bah

Garbo is a rather unusual fruit that has flowers on its trunk. Because the grape-like fruits are dark purple, when ripe in season, garbo trees look covered in pimples.

This Brazilian fruit has a sweet, fleshy pulp that contains some seeds. We usually eat the fruit fresh or use it to make jams, liqueurs and baked goods.

It is low in calories and carbohydrates and rich in nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin E, magnesium, phosphorus, and zinc.

Passion fruit – (Passion fruit, Passiflora edulis) Portuguese: maracujá

Pronunciation: mah-rah-kuh-jah

Passion fruit is native to Brazil and is widely used in mousses, sauces, juices and many desserts.

Vitamina is a Brazilian drink prepared by mixing passion fruit with milk and sugar in a blender.

It is considered a natural sedative. The fruit is also rich in vitamins A, C and B complex.

Pitanga (Eugenia uniflora)

Pronunciation: pee-tahn-gah

Pitanga is a small cherry-like berry that grows in southern Brazil.

With a pleasant flavor ranging from sweet to sour, Pitanga is a versatile fruit. This is because it can be eaten raw or used to prepare pulp, juice, ice cream, popsicles, candies, liqueurs, and even fermentation.

Like other native Brazilian fruits, pitanga is an ingredient in exquisite savory dishes and mouth-watering desserts.

The fruit is also rich in vitamins C and A and the minerals calcium, iron and phosphorus. In addition, Pitanga is also a low-energy food, with 3.5 ounces (100 grams) of the fruit containing only 41 calories.

Pitomba (Talisia esculenta)

Pronunciation: pee-tom-bah

Pitomba is a tree native to the Amazon Basin. It is a member of the soapberry family and is the same as guarana.

This Brazilian fruit is sold in local markets across the country. Its color ranges from orange to brown, and its sweet-tart flesh is comparable to apricots.

Pitomba is rich in vitamin C and is usually eaten raw or made into jelly.

Buriti (Mauritia flexuosa) Green Buriti

Pronunciation: buh-ree-tee

Briti thrive on palm trees in the Amazon tropics. Buriti's shell is textured and has a dark brownish-red color.

The pulp inside is similar to that of a mango, and the edible nuts inside are the seeds of the tree.

Because buriti is rich in vitamins A and C, the plant has been used to produce the skin's natural oils.

Açaí, Euterpe oleracea

Pronunciation: ah-sigh-ee

Acai berry is a fruit native to the Amazon rainforest in South America.

This grape-like fruit is dark purple in color, and if you haven't had an acai bowl, it tastes like a cross between berries and cocoa, with a slightly metallic aftertaste.

Due to its antioxidants and fiber, acai berries are considered a superfood, with benefits ranging from improved skin appearance to weight loss.

A final word on Brazilian fruits

Most of the fruits in Brazil have tropical characteristics and fleshy flesh.

While it may be difficult to find most Brazilian fruits and vegetables abroad, they are worth a try as they are not only delicious but also rich in many vitamins and minerals.


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