

healthy PIG
重點摘要 皮蛋會變質嗎? 如何判斷皮蛋是否變質? 過期的皮蛋還能吃嗎? 皮蛋能存多久? 如何儲存皮蛋? 皮蛋可以冷凍嗎? 結論 皮蛋會變質嗎? 是的,皮蛋會變質。由於製作過程中的種種原因,如鮮蛋質量差、加工過程中溫度過高、密封不良等,皮蛋容易發生變質。 如何判斷皮蛋是否變質? 以下是...


healthy PIG
由於雞蛋的成分及其不同成分的特性,雞蛋不同部分的煮沸溫度略有不同。 這是一般指南: 蛋白 蛋白在約 145°F (63°C) 時開始凝固,並在約 180°F (82°C) 時完全凝固。 蛋黃 蛋黃在 149°F 至 158°F(65°C 至 70°C)之間的溫度開始變稠。 然而,重要的是要注意...

Egg calories

healthy PIG
Eggs are not only delicious but also nutritious. Whether you like them boiled, scrambled, or poached, eggs are a great source of high-quality protein. With only 74 calories per egg, they are one of the healthiest foods you can eat. But eggs are more than just a low-calorie food option. Often referred to as nature's multivitamins, they are rich in protein, vitamin D, vitamins A, E and B12, omega-3 fatty acids, iron and choline.