糖果可能會導致牙齒損傷。 這是保護牙齒的方法

Candy can cause tooth damage. This is how to protect your teeth

healthy PIG
Candy hurts teeth. How to get a restoration without damaging your teeth and gums.

What's healthier: natural sugar, table sugar, artificial sweeteners or sugar alcohols?

healthy PIG
"Natural" sugar: What does it mean? Natural sugar goes far beyond traditional table sugar. The raw variety contains sugar, coconut sugar, agave ne...

Everything you need to know about stevia

Healthy PIG
Stevia is a natural sweetener and sugar substitute derived from the leaves of the Stevia plant native to Brazil and Paraguay. The active compound is steviol glycosides, which are 30 to 150 times sweeter than sugar and are heat-stable, pH-stable and non-fermentable.

The effect of sugar on metabolic syndrome

Healthy PIG

Sugar affects health in many ways, and it can cause and worsen certain conditions in particular. Metabolic syndrome is on the rise, affecting as many as one-third of American adults. How does sugar cause this problem?


Glycemic index of each sweetener

Healthy PIG

GI is Glycemic Index: Glycemic Index (also known as Glycemic Index). GI is a numerical value used to measure the degree to which various carbohydrate (sugar)-containing foods affect blood sugar after eating, thereby indicating the effect of food on blood sugar. Normally, after the carbohydrates in food are decomposed in the digestive tract, they finally become glucose and enter the blood, and blood sugar rises immediately. This article lists the glycemic index of a series of commonly used sweeteners.


How sugar affects eye health

Healthy PIG

Your eyes are a magical organ that can provide you with a window into the world, but without some healthy lifestyle choices, your eye health will be affected. Especially sugar, it will damage your eye function and health.


The effect of sugar on fatty liver

Healthy PIG

When considering the negative health effects of sugar intake, fatty liver cannot be ignored. Your liver is vital to the functioning of your body because it promotes blood clotting and removes waste and toxins from the blood. Consuming large amounts of sugar can cause serious liver problems, which can lead to many different health problems.


The effect of sugar on polycystic ovary syndrome

Healthy PIG

Another health condition that is severely affected by sugar intake is polycystic ovary syndrome. Sugar causes this condition through several different mechanisms, and a healthy lifestyle without added sugar can help control PCOS symptoms.