
How to tell if a lemon is bad?

healthy PIG
Fresh lemons should be slightly firm, should be free of soft spots, mold, and smooth skin, and have a pleasant citrus aroma. Old lemons taste astri...

Lemon and peppermint essential oils

healthy PIG
Lemon and mint blends are a popular combination used in aromatherapy to enhance respiratory health and lift mood. Lemon and peppermint essential oi...
香水檸檬: 你需要知道的一切

Perfume Lemon: Everything You Need to Know

healthy PIG
The scientific name of perfume lemon (English name: Xiangshui lemon) is Citrus × limon 'Rosso' [1] , and some people call it Citrus × limon 'Xiang...
檸檬茶: 做法,產品,營養,壞處及東西方文化分別等

檸檬茶: 做法,產品,營養,壞處及東西方文化分別等

healthy PIG

檸檬茶在香港是一種家喻戶曉的餐廳飲料,它也有包裝的形式出售,是香港文化象徵,代表了香港人獨特的飲食文化和生活方式。 幾乎在每個茶餐廳、餐廳、街頭小攤都能找到。 香港檸檬茶通常由紅茶、新鮮切片檸檬和糖混合而成。餐廳的熱檸檬茶和冰檸檬茶 (凍檸茶) 都很受歡迎。尤其是在夏天,是消暑解渴的最熱門飲料選擇之一。

檸檬茶是香港的文化飲品,並風靡世界各地。 而與西方相比,檸檬茶的用法和形式卻大不相同。 建議避免大量飲用包裝檸檬茶,因為含糖量高和含有食品添加劑,同時也避免在餐廳或家中的檸檬茶中添加過多的糖分。檸檬茶雖然有一定的健康好處,但也有一些壞處。


Meyer lemons: sweet citrus gems

healthy PIG
Meyer Lemon (English: Meyer Lemon; scientific name: Citrus meyerii) is also known as: Beijing lemon, Meyer lemon, Meyer lemon, wild lemon, Chinese ...

Eureka Lemon: A timeless and passionate citrus classic

healthy PIG
Eureka lemons, botanically classified as citrus lemons, are an acidic variety belonging to the Rutaceae family. With its vibrant yellow hue and tan...

Lisbon Lemons: Uncovering the Elegance of Portuguese Citrus

healthy PIG
With its bright yellow hue and tangy flavor, the Lisbon lemon is a delightful citrus variety that has captured the hearts of many. Originating in P...

Exciting facts about lemon martini

healthy PIG
Do you like refreshing and rich cocktails? If so, then you must have heard of the lemon martini. This citrus-flavored blend has gained popularity in recent years for its tangy flavor and vibrant yellow hue. But did you know there’s more to this cocktail than meets the eye?

Some Lemon Interesting Facts

healthy PIG
Lemons With their bright color and refreshing aroma, these versatile citrus fruits not only enhance the flavor of countless dishes, they also have interesting facts.
關於檸檬脯的 20 個事實

20 facts about preserved lemons

healthy PIG
Preserved lemons are a delightful ingredient that add rich flavor to your dishes. From salads to stews, these delicious gems have become a staple in many cuisines around the world. By using simple preservation methods, lemons become a versatile ingredient that can enhance any dish. Preserved lemons are made by curing lemons with salt and lemon juice, resulting in a unique and vibrant flavor profile. This process not only enhances the lemon's flavor but also extends its shelf life, making it the perfect addition to your pantry. In this article, we will explore 20 interesting facts about preserved lemons. From their origins and culinary uses to their health benefits and storage tips, you'll discover everything you need to know about these delicious treats.

Lacto-fermented lemon and how to make it

healthy PIG
Preserved or fermented lemons are a delicious way to add flavor and health benefits to many of your favorite dishes. Most Americans only use lemon pulp, but the fermented zest can be a sparkling addition to cereals, salad dressings, pasta, poultry and seafood dishes.

What are preserved lemons? and how to make them

healthy PIG
Preserved lemon (candied lemon/lemon pickle) is a common condiment in the cuisine of the Indian subcontinent and Morocco. It is also known as "coun...