
Preserved lemon (candied lemon/lemon pickle) is a common condiment in the cuisine of the Indian subcontinent and Morocco.

It is also known as "country lemon". Lemons, diced or whole, are pickled in a brine of water, lemon juice, and salt (lime and grapefruit are also pickled this way.); spices are sometimes included. It needs to ferment at room temperature for weeks or months before use. The pulp of preserved lemons can be used in stews and sauces, but it is the rind (zest and core) that is most valuable. The flavor is slightly sour but has a strong lemony flavor.


Preserved lemon slices can be washed before use to remove surface salt, or blanched to remove more salt and bring out the natural mild sweetness. They can then be sliced, minced or minced as needed for the texture of the dish. The peel can be used with or without the pulp.

Preserved lemons are a key ingredient in many Moroccan dishes such as tagine. In Cambodian cuisine, it is used in dishes such as ngam nguv, a chicken soup marinated in whole lemons. They are often served in various ways with olives, artichokes, seafood, veal, chicken and rice.

The pickled pulp and liquid can be used in Bloody Marys and other drinks using lemon and salt. The flavor also combines well with horseradish, like an American cocktail sauce.

In Ayurvedic cuisine, lemon pickle is a home remedy for stomach ailments and its value is said to increase with maturity. In East African folk medicine, lemon pickle is used to treat overgrowth of the spleen.


Historically, pickling was an affordable and practical way to preserve lemons long after the season, far from where they were grown. Early 19th-century British, American, and Indian cookbooks provide recipes for lemon pickle and mention its use in sauces for salmon, veal, and more.

nutritional value

Preserved lemons contain reduced vitamin content compared to unpeeled lemons, along with a loss of minerals and simple carbohydrates such as sugars and starches.

physical and chemical changes

Fermentation is a complex process that causes a variety of changes to the exterior and interior of the lemon. All known external changes can be observed with the human eye. These changes include wrinkling of the lemon peel due to oxidation and slight browning of the inside of the lemon.

Although there are not many studies on the chemical reactions that occur during lemon fermentation and preservation, conclusions supported by evidence can be drawn through research and observations based on other fruits. Based on the above definitions, it can be concluded that the sugar and starch in lemons are chemically broken down during fermentation. Based on the nutritional value, it can also be speculated that the protein is broken down or hydrolyzed during fermentation due to the lack of macronutrients after fermentation.

There are also many factors that affect the success and safety level of fermentation. Fermentation can be heavily influenced by factors internal to the fruit, such as pH, buffering capacity and initial sugar content. All of these factors can change based on the size of the fruit, since the larger the fruit, the higher the nutritional value of the fruit. In addition, pesticides can also have an impact on fermentation. If a large amount of pesticides remain on the surface of the fruit during the fermentation process, the preservation process will increase the effectiveness of harmful substances in the pesticides.

The role of minerals, macronutrients, acids and antioxidants in fermentation

A common macronutrient used in pickling is salt, which increases the osmotic pressure of the liquid, thereby inhibiting the growth of certain microorganisms. This effect creates a difficult environment for these bacteria to survive and allows the growth of salt-tolerant microorganisms. Salt also helps extend shelf life. Lemon juice is acidic and contains citric acid, which helps lower the pH, further limiting microorganisms that can cause spoilage and disease. To preserve lemons, use antioxidants as food additives to prevent lipid peroxidation and food color fading.

Although lemons contain citric acid, most citric acid is produced through fermentation by microorganisms that convert sugar into citric acid, the most important organic acid produced by tonnage and widely used in the food and pharmaceutical industries. It is mainly produced by submerged fermentation by black yeast or Candida. Carbohydrates from different sources such as molasses and starch-based media. This acid is widely used as a food additive by the global food and beverage industry.

How to Make Preserved Lemons?

Preserved lemons are lemon peels that have been cured or fermented with salt. The difference between preserved lemons and fresh lemons is that preserved lemons have been treated with a concentrated brine made from salt and lemon juice.

Cut fresh lemons into quarters, sprinkle with salt, then pack tightly into jars and ferment for 3 weeks. During fermentation, the lemon peel undergoes chemical processes that cause it to soften and the lemon's flavor to change.

Here are the ingredients you’ll need:

  • 6 whole lemons, divided
  • ½ – 1 cup fine sea salt or kosher salt
  • fresh lemon juice
  • glass jar
  • Fermentation weights or small plastic zipper bags: Weights are used to submerge lemons in brine during the preservation process.
  1. Wash the lemons and pat dry with paper towels.
  2. Using a knife, cut each end of 4 lemons 1/4 inch, reserving the other 2 for step 10.
  3. Hold one end of the lemon up and use a paring knife to cut the lemon in half, stopping just before cutting all the way through. Turn the lemon and make another cut (as if you were cutting it into quarters), stopping again just before you're all the way through.
  4. Repeat with all lemons.
  5. Remove the seeds.
  6. Place lemons in a medium bowl and sprinkle with ½ cup salt. Rub the salt into the inside and outside of the lemon. Add more salt as needed to fully coat all surfaces.
  7. Remove and discard any remaining seeds.
  8. Transfer salty lemon and salt to a clean quart glass jar.
  9. Using a tamper, wooden spoon, or clean hands, press the lemon firmly into the jar to release the juice from the fruit and mix with the salt to create a brine. Continue pressing until the fruit is submerged.
  10. Sprinkle 2 tablespoons of salt over the surface of the lemons, then add the freshly squeezed lemon juice (1-2 remaining lemons) to the jar and submerge it in the brine.
  11. Add a pickling weight to the jar if you have one, or use a clean sandwich-sized ziploc bag filled with water to make the weights. To create the weight, fill the bag with about 1 cup of water and squeeze out as much air as possible before sealing.
  12. Slide the bag into the jar and shake a few times to coat the surface of the bag with the submerged lemons.
  13. Place the lid lightly on the jar.
  14. Place the jars on a countertop out of direct sunlight at room temperature for 21 days. If the lemon never stays under the brine, remove the weight and use a wooden spoon to press the lemon back into place and clean your hands.
  15. Rinse the bag with cold water and return it to the jar.
  16. After 21 days, remove the weight and screw the lid on the jar.
  17. Stores in the refrigerator for up to 12 months.

Nutritional Information Serving Size: 15 g Calories: 5 Fat: 0 g (Saturated Fat: 0 g) Sodium: 200 mg Carbohydrates: 1 g (Fiber: 0 g Sugar: 0 g) Protein: 0 g Unsaturated Fat: 0 g Anti Formula fat: 0 grams


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