香水檸檬: 你需要知道的一切

The scientific name of perfume lemon (English name: Xiangshui lemon) is Citrus × limon 'Rosso' [1] , and some people call it Citrus × limon 'Xiang Shui' [2]. 'Xiangshui' is the Chinese pronunciation of perfume , named after the fragrant fruit, which emits a rich aroma when ripe.

Perfume lemon belongs to the species Citrus × limon (commonly known as lemon, note that "x" indicates a hybrid variety) under the Genus: Citrus of the Rutaceae family [1]. Taxonomically speaking, the lemon species is also a hybrid, a wild citrus hybrid derived from an ancestral fruit, the citron (Species: citron / C. medica) and the semi-domesticated bitter orange variety (species: bitter orange / C. × aurantium).

Perfume lemons are cultivated in Taiwan and bloom and bear fruit all year round . They are cultivated in Guangdong, Yunnan, Sichuan, Fujian and other parts of mainland China.

There are other theories that the perfume lemon is Assam Lemon [3] [4] . Assam lemon is a general name consisting of many varieties grown in India. The "Kaji Nemu" variety is one of the Assam lemons . On February 13, 2024, the Assam government announced that "Kaji Nemu" The state fruit of Assam[5].

"Kaji Nemu" shares many similar characteristics with "Perfume Lemon", including:

  • Same species name: Citrus limon
  • long oval
  • Larger than other lemons
  • seedless
  • Full of fragrance
  • full year results

Perfume lemons have excellent self-incompatibility (self-incompatibility can prevent self-pollination and fruit production, reducing the risk of extinction by avoiding inbreeding in the plant genetic process) and seedless characteristics . Providing seedlessness is a desirable characteristic of lemons and other citrus fruits [1]. Recent scientific research has studied this successful seedless lemon variety in order to better control the production of seedless fruits [1] [6] [7] [8] [9] .

Appearance description

Perfume lemon fruit is oblong in shape with milky white protrusions at both ends. The peel is bright yellow and is larger than ordinary lemons. As the name says, the smell is very fragrant but the juice is less [10].


Perfume lemon contains the following nutrients [10] :

  • calcium,
  • phosphorus,
  • iron,
  • Potassium,
  • Vitamin C

How to eat perfume lemon

Perfume lemons are often used for seasoning and adding flavor rather than being eaten directly because their rinds often contain pesticides and other chemicals that make them unsuitable for direct consumption. However, you can use the rind of a lemon to flavor dishes or make drinks.

Here are some common uses:

  • Food Flavoring: Use the rind of a perfumed lemon to add a lemony flavor to dishes being cooked. You can finely grate or slice the lemon zest and add it to dishes such as salads, grilled fish, grilled chicken, etc.
  • Beverages: Slice or squeeze the juice from the lemon lemon and add it to water to make lemonade or lemon tea. You can also use it to make lemon fruit tea.
  • Flavoring: Grind the dried lemon zest into a powder and use it as a flavoring in cooking or baking, such as cakes, cookies, sauces, etc.
  • Making jam or juice: Use the pulp and juice of lemons to make jam or juice, which can be used to spread bread, bake or make drinks.

Prices rising rapidly

In recent years, the price of perfumed lemons has sometimes doubled in China. As a tropical fruit variety, perfume lemons have relatively high water requirements. If the production area decreases due to weather, the price of lemons will soar.

Another reason is the huge rise in demand for perfumed lemons from local juice manufacturers such as:

  • Lin Xiangning-Hand-made lemon tea[11]
  • Hong Kong Lemony Mengmeng-Hand-perfumed lemon tea[12]
  • Tea Saves the Planet·Fruit and Vegetable Lemon Tea[13]

Perfume lemon is named after its green skin, seedless flesh, sweet and refreshing taste, no bitterness, and particularly strong aroma. It has since been named "perfume". Perfume lemons are also known as "seedless lemons". The refreshing perfume lemon is also an indispensable ingredient for many Western restaurants, cafes, and tea beverage manufacturing companies, creating stable market demand [14].

Where to buy perfume lemon in Hong Kong

There are several options for where to buy perfume lemons in Hong Kong

Local cultivation

Hong Kong locally cultivated perfume lemon growing farms , such as:

  • Sister Qin’s Organic Farm[15]
  • Qiaojie Pinglang Farm[16]
  • Hydroponic planting in the New Territories[17]
  • Mama Pan’s Orchard[18]


Stores import perfumed lemons from other regions , such as:

  • Guodao Food Specialty Store[19]

Online shopping platform

Or purchase directly from online shopping platforms , such as:

  • HKTVmall [20]
  • Taobao[21]

Reference sources

[1] Li, Y., Zhu, J., Lin, W., Lan, M., Luo, C., Xia, L., Zhang, Y., Liang, R., Hu, W., Huang, G., & He, X. (2022). Genome-Wide analysis of the RNASE T2 family and identification of interacting proteins of four CLS-RNASE genes in 'XiangShui' lemon. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23(18), 10431 . https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms231810431

[2] Perfume Lemon. Douyin Encyclopedia. (nd). https://www.baike.com/wikiid/6691774712225508452

[3] Taipei Botanical Garden Collection. (nd). https://future.url.tw/plant/view/396

[4] The fun of plants - animals - insects - birds and fish [Nature Exploration Research Society]. (nd). Perfume Lemon (Assam Lemon). Bahamut Video Game Information Station. https://guild.gamer. com.tw/wiki.php?sn=14069&n=%E9%A6%99%E6%B0%B4%E6%AA%B8%E6%AA%AC%28%E9%98%BF%E8%96%A9 %E5%A7%86%E6%AA%B8%E6%AA%AC%29#:~:text=%E5%AD%B8%E5%90%8D%E8%A7%A3%E9%87%8B %EF%BC%9A%E9%A6%99%E6%B0%B4%E6%AA%B8%E6%AA%AC%E7%82%BA,%E5%A7%86%E6%AA%B8% E6%AA%AC(Assam%20lemon)%E3%80%82

[5] Assam government declares “Kaji Nemu” as State Fruit. The Economic Times. (nd). https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/india/assam-government-declares-kaji-nemu-as-state- fruit/articleshow/107664832.cms?from=mdr

[6] Yu, H., Zhang, C., Lu, C., Wang, Y., Ge, C., Huang, G., & Wang, H. (2024). The lemon genome and DNA methylome unveil epigenetic regulation of citric acid biosynthesis during fruit development. Horticulture Research. https://doi.org/10.1093/hr/uhae005

[7] Lin, W., Li, Y., Luo, C., Huang, G., Hu, G., & He, X. (2022). Proteomic analysis of ubiquitinated proteins in 'Xiangshui' lemon [Citrus limon (L.)] pistils after self- and cross-pollination. Journal of Proteomics, 264, 104631. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jprot.2022.104631

[8] Zhang, S., Ding, F., He, X., Luo, C., Huang, G., & Hu, Y. (2014). Characterization of the 'Xiangshui' lemon transcriptome by de novo assembly to discover genes associated with self-incompatibility. Molecular Genetics and Genomics, 290(1), 365–375. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00438-014-0920-7

[9] Zhang, S., Huang, G., Ding, F., He, X., & Pan, J. (2012). Mechanism of seedlessness in a new lemon cultivar 'Xiangshui' [Citrus limon (L.) Burm. F.]. Sexual Plant Reproduction, 25(4), 337–345. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00497-012-0201-8

[10] Perfume Lemon. Agricultural Knowledge Portal. (nd). https://kmweb.moa.gov.tw/theme_data.php?theme=production_map&id=32

[11] Lin Xiangling’s hand-made lemon tea Hong Kong. Lin’s hand-made lemon tea. (nd). https://lamheungling.com/

[12]Perfume Lemon Tea. Lemon Mengmeng·Hand-beaten Lemon Tea PERFUME LEMON TEA. (nd). https://lmm-hk.com/

[13] Tea Saves the Planet. (nd-c). Tea Saves the Planet. Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/joschahk

[14] International Fruit and Vegetable Report. (2021, March 22). The price of perfumed lemons doubled and the market performance exceeded supply. The price of perfumed lemons doubled and the market performance exceeded supply | International Fruit and Vegetable Report. https://guojiguoshu.com/article/6560

[15] Sister Qin Organic Farm - Organic Perfume Lemon. (nd). https://www.healthyexpress.hk/products/lemon-organic-kam-je-organic-farm-hok-tau-fanling-per-1- pack-600g-1-catty

[16] Citron-organic-tai-po-lam-village-per-600g

[17] NT Hydroponic Farm. Facebook. (nd). https://www.facebook.com/story.php/?story_fbid=813681280762905&id=100063631225640&_rdr

[18] Pan Mama Orchard: Hong Kong Hong Kong. Facebook. (nd-b). https://www.facebook.com/people/%E6%BD%98%E5%AA%BD%E5%AA%BD %E6%9E%9C%E5%9C%92/100077573809065/?locale=zh_HK

[19] Perfume lemons (2 pieces). Fruity way - derived from the freshness of fruits and the way of people. (2024, March 11). https://www.frelicious.com.hk/product/%E9%A6%99 % E6%B0%B4%E6%AA%B8%E6%AA%AC/

[20] Perfume lemon: HKTVmall Hong Kong’s largest online shopping platform. Nursing and health care. (nd). https://www.hktvmall.com/hktv/zh/search_a?keyword=%E9%A6%99%E6%B0%B4% E6%AA%B8%E6%AA%AC

[21] Perfume Lemon - top 10,000 items Perfume Lemon - updated in March 2024 - taobao. world.taobao.com. (nd).


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