
When people with lactose intolerance drink milk, their risk of developing type 2 diabetes is reduced

healthy PIG
A study into the health and genetic predispositions of milk consumers finds that drinking milk reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes in individuals w...

Potential Disadvantages of Milk

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Lactose intolerance is common and harmful Let’s start with lactose intolerance. Lactose intolerance is a digestive problem in which a person lacks...

What are the benefits of spoiled milk? Can you drink it?

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A strong sour smell may mean your milk has gone bad. While drinking spoiled milk can cause food poisoning, you can still use spoiled milk in cooking recipes and reduce food waste.

What changes will happen to your body if you drink milk every day?

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Milk has a bad rap in the health community, with some claiming it causes everything from acne to inflammation. But what actually happens to your body when you drink milk every day?

Comparison: almond milk, soy milk, rice milk and coconut milk

Healthy PIG

Not long ago, the only option you could pour in cereal for breakfast was whole milk. Now, there are many types of milk: whole milk, 2%, 1%, skimmed (fat-free) and even lactose-free milk. For people with diet or allergies, alternatives can also be used instead of milk. Almonds, soybeans, rice and coconut "milk" are common plant-based milk substitutes. They are becoming more and more popular in stores across the United States.