
Lactose intolerance is common and harmful

Let’s start with lactose intolerance. Lactose intolerance is a digestive problem in which a person lacks the enzyme lactase. Without it, the body cannot break down lactose, the sugar component of breast milk. Since lactase's only function is to digest the lactose in milk, including human breast milk, the enzyme's activity declines dramatically after the age of five because the body is designed to wean itself from breast milk and rely on food to sustain itself.

With 65% of the population suffering from lactose intolerance, it has become the norm. Lactose intolerance can cause symptoms such as bloating, gas, diarrhea, cramps, stomach pain, and constipation. These side effects of milk vary in severity and often make it difficult for people to get through their day comfortably.

Milk is the No. 1 cause of fatal allergic reactions in children

A 20-year study in the UK found that while death rates from food-induced anaphylaxis had declined, hospital admissions tripled from 1998 to 2018.
Research also highlights that dairy is now the single most common cause of fatal allergic reactions in school-age children. From this research, we know that cow's milk is now the strongest driver of fatal food allergy reactions in children in the UK, with this pattern also noted in North America and Israel.

Dairy linked to acne and eczema

A 2018 review of scientific studies of 78,529 children, teens and young adults found that consuming any animal-based dairy products was associated with an increased risk of acne.

While there is still some debate about the direct relationship between dairy and these skin conditions, some experts believe that the hormones and IGF-1 found in dairy can contribute to acne problems, and that eczema may be the result of an allergic reaction to dairy. Regardless of the connection, we all know firsthand the benefits of a dairy-free lifestyle on our complexion.

Dairy products can worsen asthma symptoms

Struggling with Asthma? Maybe it’s time to ditch dairy altogether. Research shows that asthma sufferers can significantly reduce or eliminate their symptoms by giving up dairy and other animal foods. In one study, 92% of participants saw significant improvements one year after giving up dairy.

Indeed, milk linked to cancer

Milk from other animals has been linked to human cancer. Dairy products stimulate uncontrolled cell growth and increase the risk of hormone-dependent cancers. On top of that, a 2015 meta-analysis in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that high intakes of animal-based dairy products increased the risk of prostate cancer, while other studies found that people who drank more than one cup of whole-animal dairy products - daily Drinking milk doubles the risk of fatal prostate cancer.

To make matters worse, research shows that whole animal milk may increase the risk of ovarian cancer. One study found that people who consumed the most whole milk and lactose had an increased risk of ovarian cancer compared with those who consumed the least.

Another study found that women who drank only 8 ounces of milk per day had a 50% increased risk of breast cancer. Those who drank two to three glasses of milk had an 80% increased risk (compared to women who drank no milk). To be clear, drinking a glass of milk a day does not guarantee that a woman will be 50% more likely to develop breast cancer. However, it does indicate a 50% increase in her personal risk. So if a person's inherent risk is 12% (on average), she can increase her risk by half just by drinking one milk latte or dairy smoothie a day.

Milk makes your bones brittle

Milk contains calcium. But what you may not know is that only about 30% is absorbed by the body. In fact, a 12-year prospective study found that regular daily consumption of dairy products actually increased the risk of hip fractures. Want to build strong bones? Try tahini, bok choy, broccoli and these.

Milk contains substances that are toxic to the body

Milk may contain veterinary drugs, pesticide residues, pathogens and heavy metals. Additionally, due to mastitis (a common udder infection in cows used in the dairy industry), white blood cells from the cow's immune system end up in breast milk consumed by humans.

These are called "neutrophils," and they are the main component of pus. In the United States, the FDA allows 750 million pus cells per liter of milk. So you've probably already ingested some. In Europe, regulators allow 400 million pus cells per liter. In Australia, there is no limit on the amount of pus allowed .

Dairy products are high in cholesterol and saturated fat

Animal-based dairy products are high in saturated fat, which means our cholesterol levels rise as milk is consumed. In fact, cholesterol is only found in animal foods. Cholesterol is a waxy, fatty substance that can build up in the arteries and cause heart disease and other health problems.

Dairy can lead to other chronic diseases

Milk contains trans fats and saturated fats, both of which have been linked to heart disease and obesity. It also triggers our bodies to produce excess insulin, which increases the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Drinking breast milk from other species, especially dairy cows, can be hazardous to human health. With so many plant-based milks, cheeses, and other plant-based dairy products on the market, the options are endless these days. You can still supplement with milk, cheese, or yogurt without putting your body at risk.


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