什麼是食物添加劑花青素 (E163)?來源,用途和監管

What is the food additive anthocyanin (E163)? Sources, uses and regulation

healthy PIG
E163, also known as anthocyanins, are natural pigments found in many fruits, vegetables, and flowers. They are flavonoid compounds that are respons...

Blackberry Health Benefits

healthy PIG
Blackberries are packed with healthful nutrients. In addition to providing fiber, vitamins, and minerals, blackberries are one of the richest sources of anthocyanins, compounds with powerful cell-protective properties. Adding blackberries to your diet is a delicious way to maintain your health, and eating these fruits regularly can reduce the risk of a variety of health problems, including heart disease.

Blackcurrant Benefits

healthy PIG
Blackcurrants keep you healthy. This little purple powerhouse is a great way to enhance your diet, and black currants are delicious too!

What nutrients are not available in animal foods?

healthy PIG
There are many differences between animal foods and plant foods. This is especially true of their nutritional value, as many nutrients are unique to plant or animal foods. For optimal nutrition, it makes sense to follow a balanced diet that includes both. This article lists 10 common nutrients that are difficult or impossible to obtain from animal foods.