
1. Vitamin C

What nutrients are not available in animal foods?

Vitamin C is the only essential vitamin not found in effective amounts in cooked animal foods.

It is a powerful antioxidant that is important for maintaining connective tissue. It also acts as a cofactor for many enzymes in the body.

Additionally, vitamin C deficiency may lead to scurvy, a disease initially characterized by skin spots and fatigue. Advanced scurvy can cause yellowing of the skin, tooth loss, bleeding and ultimately death.

Diets containing only animal foods often do not contain enough vitamin C. Therefore, people need to get vitamin C from fruits, vegetables, fortified foods, or supplements.

However, adequate amounts of vitamin C can be obtained from raw liver, fish roe, and eggs. Contents are also lower in raw meat and fish.

Since most people already get enough vitamin C from their diet, supplementation is usually not necessary.

However, multiple studies show that high vitamin C intake may:

  • Prevent age-related mental decline.
  • Lower blood pressure.
  • Improves blood vessel health, potentially reducing the risk of clogged arteries.

Some of these effects may only apply to people with lower vitamin C levels.

Taking vitamin C can also enhance the absorption of dietary iron. This can reduce the risk of anemia in people who are prone to iron deficiency.

Vitamin C is found in most plant foods, especially raw fruits and vegetables. The richest food sources include bell peppers, kale, kiwis, citrus fruits, and various berries.

2 to 5: Flavonoids

Flavonoids are the most common antioxidants found in plants. They are found in almost all plant foods.

Many of the benefits of eating fruits and vegetables may be attributed to their flavonoid content. In fact, research shows that a diet rich in flavonoids may have health benefits, such as:

  • Reduce the risk of heart disease.
  • Improve brain health and function.
  • Better colon health.

Here is an overview of 4 common flavonoids, including their food sources and health benefits.

2. Quercetin

Quercetin is one of the most common flavonoids.

High intakes of quercetin have been linked to lower blood pressure and a lower risk of heart disease.

Quercetin is found in most plant foods, but rich dietary sources include capers, onions, cocoa, cranberries, and apples. It can also be used as a supplement.

What nutrients are not available in animal foods?


What nutrients are not available in animal foods?

Catechins are a family of flavanols, the most abundant of which are (+)-catechin and epicatechin.

The health benefits of green tea catechins have been widely studied.

They are associated with lowering blood pressure, improving blood vessel function and lowering blood cholesterol.

Catechins are found in many fruits and beverages. Major sources include apricots, apples, pears, grapes, peaches, tea, cocoa and red wine.

4. Hesperidin

What nutrients are not available in animal foods?

Hesperidin is one of the most common flavanones.

Research shows hesperidin may help prevent heart disease and cancer. However, the evidence is mostly limited to experimental animal studies.

Hesperidin is found almost exclusively in citrus fruits, especially oranges and lemons.

5. Anthocyanins

Anthocyanins are the most widely distributed anthocyanins.

Anthocyanins are antioxidant pigments responsible for the bright colors of many fruits and vegetables.

Research shows anthocyanins may reduce the risk of heart disease, but the evidence is still very limited.

Anthocyanins are found in colorful fruits and vegetables. The richest food sources are dark berries such as blackberries, black currants and black raspberries.

What nutrients are not available in animal foods?

6 to 10: Dietary fiber

The fiber in plant foods is thought to have many health benefits.

Generally speaking, dietary fiber is defined as the part of a plant that cannot be digested in the upper digestive system.

Consuming high amounts of fiber has many beneficial effects on health.

These include:

  • reduce cholesterol.
  • Reduce the risk of heart disease.
  • The risk of constipation is reduced.
  • Reduce the risk of colon cancer.
  • Increased satiety after meals, promoting weight loss.

Many types of fiber are also prebiotics, which means they can improve colon health by promoting the growth of good bacteria.

Here are 5 types of dietary fiber that have been shown to be beneficial to human health.

6. β-Glucan

Beta-glucan is one of the most widely studied types of fiber.

It is a viscous fiber that has many health benefits.

As a potent prebiotic, beta-glucan ferments in the colon, stimulating the growth of beneficial bifidobacteria. This can improve colon health.

It also lowers blood pressure, lowers cholesterol and regulates post-meal blood sugar levels.

The richest source of beta-glucan is the bran found in oats and barley. Other whole grain cereals such as sorghum, rye, wheat and rice are lower in beta-glucan.

What nutrients are not available in animal foods?

7. Pectin

Pectin is a type of prebiotic fiber found in fruits.

They come in many forms with different health effects.

Pectin promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria in the colon. They may also help relieve chronic diarrhea and regulate post-meal blood sugar levels.

Additionally, research shows that pectin may help prevent colon cancer.

The main dietary sources of pectin are fruits such as oranges, apples, plums, guava, bananas and various berries.

What nutrients are not available in animal foods?


Inulin belongs to a group of fibers called fructans.

As prebiotic fibers, inulin and other fructans promote colon health by stimulating the growth of beneficial bifidobacteria.

Research shows that a diet rich in inulin can relieve constipation.

However, some people experience side effects such as gas and bloating.

Inulin is found in a variety of fruits and vegetables, including bananas, artichokes, asparagus, onions, garlic, leeks, and chicory.

What nutrients are not available in animal foods?

9. Lignans

Unlike other dietary fibers, lignans are polyphenols rather than carbohydrates.

When they reach the colon, they are fermented by intestinal bacteria. This fermentation process converts them into phytoestrogens, which are then absorbed into the bloodstream.

Phytoestrogens have been linked to a variety of health benefits, including a reduced risk of heart disease and breast cancer.

Lignans are found in most plant-based foods. The richest dietary sources are seeds (especially flaxseed) and cereals.

What nutrients are not available in animal foods?

10. Resistant starch

Starch is the most common carbohydrate found in plants.

It is usually well digested, but some of it may be difficult to digest. This type of starch is called resistant starch.

Resistant starch promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria in the colon, improving colon health.

Research also suggests that resistant starch may increase satiety and slow the rise in blood sugar after a meal.

Resistant starch is found in a variety of high-carbohydrate foods, including whole-wheat cereals, pasta, beans, unripe bananas, and potatoes that have been cooked and cooled.

What nutrients are not available in animal foods?


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