什麼是食物添加劑花青素 (E163)?來源,用途和監管

E163, also known as anthocyanins, are natural pigments found in many fruits, vegetables, and flowers. They are flavonoid compounds that are responsible for the red, purple and blue colors seen in various plant tissues.


INS No. 163(ii); Grape skin extract
INS No. 163(iii); Blackcurrant Extract
INS No. 163(iv); purple maize color
INS No. 163(v); red cabbage color
INS No. 163 (vi); Black Carrot Extract
INS No. 163 (vii); Purple Sweet Potato
INS No. 163 (viii); carrot color
INS No. 163(ix); elderberry color
INS No. 163(x); hibiscus color
INS No. 163(xi); Butterfly Pea Flower Extract


Anthocyanins are extracted from plant sources such as berries (blueberries, raspberries, blackberries), grapes, cherries, red cabbage, purple sweet potatoes, and certain flowers. Food additive anthocyanins are obtained by maceration or extraction from strains of vegetables and edible fruits with sulfite water, acidified water, carbon dioxide, methanol or ethanol, followed by concentration and/or purification if necessary.

Blackcurrant extract is obtained from blackcurrant pomace through water extraction. The main coloring principle is four kinds of anthocyanins (anthocyanin 3-rutin, delphinidin 3-rutinoside, anthocyanin 3-glucoside, delphinidin 3-glucoside).

Grape skin extract is available as a red to purple powder or concentrated liquid. It is prepared by water extraction from the grape pomace left over from the grape pressing process.

Pigment additive grape pigment extract is an aqueous solution of anthocyanin grape pigments made from Concord grapes or a dehydrated water-soluble powder prepared from the aqueous solution.

Butterfly pea flower extract is a dark blue liquid extracted from the water of dried butterfly pea flowers and contains anthocyanins as the main coloring component.


Anthocyanins are widely used as natural food colorants in the food and beverage industry. They are available in vibrant red, purple and blue shades, making them suitable for coloring a variety of products including:

  • Beverages: Juices, soft drinks, sports drinks and alcoholic beverages.
  • Confectionary: candies, jams, jellies, fruity candies and chewing gum.
  • Dairy products: yogurt, ice cream, flavored milks and dairy desserts.
  • Baked Products: Cakes, pastries, cookies and other baked goods.
  • Snack foods: popsicles, fruit snacks and flavored potato chips.

Coloring properties

Anthocyanins exhibit pH-related color changes, appearing red in acidic environments, purple in neutral pH conditions, and blue in alkaline conditions. This versatility allows for a wide range of applications in different food and beverage formulations.

health benefits

Anthocyanins are known for their antioxidant properties and potential health benefits. They have been studied for their role in promoting cardiovascular health, reducing inflammation, and preventing oxidative stress. Eating foods rich in anthocyanins may contribute to overall health and well-being.

regulatory approval

Anthocyanins are generally considered safe (GRAS) by regulatory agencies such as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). They are approved for use as food colorants in several countries around the world.


Grape skin extract (INS No. 163(ii)) is added to foods and beverages at concentrations up to the Maximum Permissible Level (MPL) adopted by the Codex Alimentarius Commission. The General Standard for Food Additives (GSFA) has adopted grape skin extract MPL for more than 60 food categories.


The ADI of grape skin extract is 0-2.5 mg/kg body weight. Due to the lack of toxicological data on black carrot extract, the committee was unable to draw conclusions on the safety of black carrot extract .


Grape pigment extract is exempt from certification and can be safely used for coloring non-beverage foods.

Grape skin extract (enocianina; INS No. 163(ii)) is exempt from certification and is safe for use in non-carbonated and carbonated beverages and alcoholic beverages, beverage bases and alcoholic beverages.

Butterfly pea flower extract (INS No. 163(xi)) is exempt from certification and is safe for use in alcoholic beverages, sports and energy drinks, flavored or carbonated waters, fruit drinks, carbonated soft drinks and root beer, Contents of fruit products in fruit and vegetable juices, nutritional drinks, chewing gum, tea, coated nuts, liquid coffee creamers, ice cream and frozen dairy desserts, hard candies, dairy and non-dairy beverages, yogurt and gummies Good Manufacturing Practices.

European Union

ADI has not yet been established. Specific categories of food and beverages authorized for use under quantum satisfaction are defined in Commission regulations.

natural source

Anthocyanins are derived from natural plant sources, making them ideal for consumers looking for clean label and naturally sourced food ingredients. They are often preferred over synthetic food dyes due to their recognized health benefits and plant origin.


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