

healthy PIG
由於雞蛋的成分及其不同成分的特性,雞蛋不同部分的煮沸溫度略有不同。 這是一般指南: 蛋白 蛋白在約 145°F (63°C) 時開始凝固,並在約 180°F (82°C) 時完全凝固。 蛋黃 蛋黃在 149°F 至 158°F(65°C 至 70°C)之間的溫度開始變稠。 然而,重要的是要注意...


healthy PIG
雞心辣椒 (Hinkelhatz Hot Pepper),也叫朝天椒,向天椒、指天椒、長柄椒、小辣椒、小果椒、小金剛。學名: Capsicum annuum L var. fasciculatum Irish,是辣椒 (Capsicum annuum) 品種之一。其形狀酷似雞心,故名雞心椒。其...
什麼是雞精和滴雞精? 健康益處和副作用

什麼是雞精和滴雞精? 健康益處和副作用

healthy PIG
什麼是雞精? 雞精是雞肉萃取物製成的液體營養補充品,是由煮沸的雞肉、骨頭、有時添加香草或香料製成的濃縮液體。 在中國和新加坡等亞洲國家,雞精也被用作保健補充劑。 它被認為具有多種健康益處,例如提高能量水平、提高免疫力和促進整體健康。 雞精通常作為補充品或保健飲料銷售,有時包裝在小瓶或小袋中以方...

Can chicken heads be eaten? Nutritional and Health Benefits

healthy PIG
Can chicken heads be eaten ? Despite their ugly appearance, they won't kill you. Unless you eat chicken heads raw, there is little risk of getting...

Can chicken gall be eaten?

healthy PIG
Why don’t people like eating chicken guts? A yellow liver means there is more fat in the liver. Sometimes the liver may appear green. The green co...

Common roasted meat types and cooking methods

healthy PIG
Roast pork is a cooking method originating from Asia, usually used to cook pork, beef or other meats. This method of cooking invol...

Can egg shells be eaten?

healthy PIG
Yes, it is possible to eat eggshells, but they should be prepared properly to make them safe and tasty. Eggshells are mainly composed of calcium ca...
我煮了雞肉,但雞肉流血水。 可以吃嗎? - 網民回應

Can you eat cooked chicken that has bleeding water? - Netizens responded

healthy PIG
blood comes from bone marrow This is actually quite common. The blood you see comes from the bone marrow. Cooking forces it out of the marrow and ...
雞肝: 營養,益處和缺點

Chicken Liver: Nutrition, Benefits and Disadvantages

healthy PIG
Chicken liver is one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet. While organ meats aren't as popular as they once were, chicken livers are packed with essential nutrients.

Facts the industry doesn’t want you to know about chicken

healthy PIG
Industry facts about broiler chickens 1. Globally, 51.4 billion chickens are hatched, fattened and slaughtered at 42 days of age every year. The n...

About Factory Farmed Chickens – Facts You Should Know

healthy PIG

Industrial broiler chicken farming is one of the biggest causes of animal suffering globally. Yet most people are unaware of the suffering these intelligent, sensitive animals endure . Global chicken consumption is growing every year, and companies that raise broiler chickens have greatly accelerated the growth process to meet demand. However, in many cases, the welfare of chickens is completely ignored, causing them to suffer throughout their short lives.


meat allergy

healthy PIG
If you have a stuffy or runny nose, feel nauseous, or develop a rash after eating meat, you may be allergic to meat.