
Yes, it is possible to eat eggshells, but they should be prepared properly to make them safe and tasty. Eggshells are mainly composed of calcium carbonate, with the remainder made up of proteins and other minerals. Over the past few decades, eggshell powder, which is processed from eggs, has been used as a natural calcium supplement . Eggshells contain approximately 40% calcium , and half an eggshell can provide enough calcium for an adult's daily needs .

Steps to Prepare and Eat Eggshells

  1. Washing: Wash the eggshells thoroughly to remove any remaining egg white or yolk. One way is to rinse them with hot water.
  2. Boil: To further sterilize eggshells, you can boil them. Boil the shells in water for about 10 minutes. This process helps eliminate any potential bacteria.
  3. Drying: After boiling, allow the eggshells to dry completely. You can do this by placing them on a baking sheet and letting them dry.
  4. Grind: Once dry, grind the eggshells into a fine powder using a mortar and pestle, coffee grinder, or food processor. The powder form is easier to incorporate into food or drinks.
  5. Eat: You can mix eggshell powder into a variety of foods or drinks to add calcium. For example, you can add it to smoothies, sauces, soups, or even sprinkle on dishes.

It's important to note that while eating eggshells can provide a source of calcium, calcium must be obtained from a variety of dietary sources, including dairy products, green leafy vegetables, nuts, and other calcium-rich foods. If you have questions about calcium intake or dietary choices, it is recommended to consult a health care professional or registered dietitian.

Benefits of eating eggshells

Rich in calcium

Eggshells are primarily composed of calcium carbonate and are a natural source of calcium. Incorporating this mineral into your diet is essential for maintaining strong bones and teeth.

environmental awareness

Using eggshells as an edible resource is one way to reduce kitchen waste and promote sustainable practices.

Possible digestive aid

Some proponents believe that consuming finely powdered eggshells may help the digestive system better absorb calcium.

Better absorption than purified calcium carbonate supplements

One study of isolated cells found that eggshell powder absorbed more calcium than pure calcium carbonate. Researchers attribute these effects to certain proteins found in eggshells. In addition to calcium and protein, eggshells contain small amounts of other minerals, including strontium, fluoride, magnesium and selenium.

It may reduce the risk of osteoporosis

If your diet is deficient in calcium, eggshell powder is an inexpensive option. One study of postmenopausal women with osteoporosis found that taking eggshell powder along with vitamin D3 and magnesium significantly strengthened bones by increasing bone mineral density.

Eggshell membrane supplements may benefit joint health

The eggshell membrane is located between the eggshell and the albumen, and it is usually attached to the eggshell. Eggshell membranes are primarily composed of proteins in the form of collagen. It also contains small amounts of nutrients such as chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine. Some research suggests that taking eggshell membrane supplements regularly may benefit your joints. More research is needed to confirm its potential effectiveness.

Risks of eating eggshells


Eggshells may contain bacteria, including salmonella. Proper cleaning, boiling and handling are critical to minimizing the risk of contamination.

choking hazard

Don't try to swallow large eggshell fragments as they may harm your throat and esophagus.

The texture of eggshells, even finely ground, can pose a choking hazard. Care must be taken when adding them to food or drinks.

calcium overload

Too much calcium: While calcium is essential for health, too much calcium can lead to adverse effects, including kidney stones and impaired absorption of other minerals. It is crucial to balance calcium intake from various sources.

Natural calcium supplements may contain relatively high levels of toxic metals, including lead, aluminum, cadmium and mercury. But eggshells tend to have lower levels of these toxic elements than other natural sources of calcium, such as oyster shells, so they're usually nothing to worry about .

allergic reaction

Shellfish Allergy: People with shellfish allergies may want to avoid eggshells due to the risk of cross-reaction.

safe practices

Thorough cleaning

Wash the eggshells thoroughly in hot water and boil them for at least 10 minutes to reduce bacterial contamination.

grind fine powder

Grind eggshells into a fine powder to minimize the risk of choking and improve their mixing with food or beverages. Eggshell powder can be made at home using a pestle and mortar. Others report using a rolling pin or blender and sieve to sift through larger particles.

Balanced intake

If you choose to eat eggshells, do so in moderation. Balance your calcium intake from various sources in your diet.

allergies and sensitivities

Please consider your personal health, allergies and sensitivities before adding eggshells to your diet.

in conclusion

While eggshells offer potential benefits, there are risks to consuming them that need to be carefully considered. Proper cleaning, grinding and conditioning must be prioritized to minimize potential hazards. If you have concerns or have a pre-existing medical condition, it is recommended to consult a healthcare professional or registered dietitian before incorporating eggshells into your diet. As with any dietary choice, balance and wise decision-making are key to maintaining overall health and well-being.

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