
How to Choose Fish Oil Supplements

healthy PIG
Fish oil is a great source of omega-3 fatty acids such as eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which are important for suppo...
Omega-3 補充劑指南:購買什麼以及為什麼購買

Omega-3 Supplement Guide: What to Buy and Why

healthy PIG
If you don't get enough omega-3s in your diet from foods like fatty fish, you may need to take an omega-3 supplement. Omega-3 supplements come in many different forms, from regular fish oils to mammalian oils. Omega-3 fatty acids are very important for your health.
Eating natural foods rich in omega-3s (such as omega-3-rich fish) is the best way to get enough omega-3s.
If you don't eat a lot of fatty fish, you may want to consider taking a supplement.
However, there are hundreds of different omega-3 supplements available. Not all of these have the same health benefits.
This detailed guide explains everything you need to know about omega-3 supplements.

The Best Fish Oil Supplements of 2023

healthy PIG
If you don't regularly eat fish, taking a fish oil supplement can be a quick and easy way to increase your intake of omega-3 fatty acids, which naturally support heart and brain health and reduce inflammation. Read on to learn about our picks for the 14 best fish oil supplements.

Fish Oil Dosage: How Much Should You Take Every Day?

healthy PIG
While there is no recommended daily dose of fish oil, consuming it can help you meet your recommended daily dose of omega-3 fatty acids. Many people take fish oil supplements daily. In addition to supporting your brain, eyes, and heart, fish oil can also fight inflammation in the body. Many healthcare professionals recommend it. However, you may not know what dose is right for you. This article discusses how much fish oil you should take for optimal health.

Should you take fish oil for fitness?

healthy PIG
Fish oil is commonly used to promote heart, brain, eye and joint health. However, bodybuilders and other athletes also utilize this popular supplement for its anti-inflammatory properties. Some believe it can build muscle strength, improve range of motion, and provide many other benefits. So you may be wondering whether fish oil can enhance your exercise routine. This article tells you whether you should take fish oil for bodybuilding.

Is fish oil good for eczema?

healthy PIG
Many people around the world suffer from skin conditions, including eczema. Although eczema is often treated with ointments, oral medications, and even injections, people with the condition often want a more natural way to relieve symptoms. Fortunately, research shows that many dietary and lifestyle changes can be beneficial for eczema. Fish oil, in particular, is the supplement of choice for many eczema sufferers due to its powerful anti-inflammatory properties. However, you may be wondering whether supplementing with it can actually help treat this chronic skin condition. This article reviews the effectiveness of taking fish oil to treat eczema.