Omega-3 補充劑指南:購買什麼以及為什麼購買

Omega-3s come in many forms

Fish oil comes in natural and processed forms.

Processing affects the form of fatty acids. This is important because some forms are more easily absorbed than others.

  • fish. In whole fish, omega-3 fatty acids are present as free fatty acids, phospholipids, and triglycerides.
  • fish oil. In traditional fish oil, omega-3 fatty acids are found primarily in the form of triglycerides.
  • Processed fish oil. When refining fish oil, food chemists often convert triglycerides into ethyl esters to adjust the concentrations of DHA and EPA in the fish oil.
  • Modified triglycerides. The ethyl esters in processed fish oil can be converted back into triglycerides, called "reformed" triglycerides.
All of these forms have health benefits, but research shows that the omega-3s in the ethyl ester are not as absorbed as other forms—although some studies suggest they are absorbed just as well.

natural fish oil

This is oil from oily fish tissue and is found primarily in the form of triglycerides. This is the closest thing to a real fish.

Natural fish oil contains many important nutrients.

The omega-3 content (including EPA and DHA) in fish oil ranges from 18-31%, but the content varies depending on the fish species.

In addition, natural fish oil contains vitamins A and D.

Salmon, sardines, herring, herring and cod liver are the most common sources of natural fish oil. These oils are available in capsule or liquid form.

processed fish oil

Processed fish oil is purified and/or concentrated. It consists of ethyl esters or triglycerides.

Purification removes contaminants in the oil, such as mercury and PCBs. Concentrated oils can also increase levels of EPA and DHA. In fact, some oils may contain as much as 50-90% pure EPA and/or DHA.

Processed fish oils make up the vast majority of the fish oil market because they are cheap, often come in capsule form and are popular with consumers.

When in ethyl ester form, your body does not absorb processed fish oil as well as natural fish oil. Ethyl esters also appear to be more susceptible to oxidation and rancidity than triglycerides.

However, some manufacturers even process the oil further, converting it back into a synthetic triglyceride form, which is well absorbed.

These oils are called reformed (or reesterified) triglycerides. They are the most expensive fish oil supplements and represent only a small portion of the market.

krill oil

Krill oil is extracted from Antarctic krill, which are small shrimp-like animals. Krill oil contains omega-3s in the form of triglycerides and phospholipids.

Numerous studies have shown that the phospholipids in krill oil absorb omega-3s as well as, and sometimes better than, the triglycerides in fish oil.

Krill oil has strong antioxidant capabilities because it naturally contains a potent antioxidant called astaxanthin.

Additionally, krill are very small and short-lived, so they do not accumulate many contaminants during their lifetime. Therefore, their oils do not require purification and are rarely present in the ethyl ester form.

Green lipped mussel oil

Green-lipped mussels are native to New Zealand, and their oil is usually in the form of triglycerides and free fatty acids.

In addition to EPA and DHA, it also contains trace amounts of eicosatetraenoic acid (ETA). This rare omega-3 fatty acid may reduce inflammation more effectively than other omega-3s.

Consuming green-lipped mussel oil instead of fish oil is considered environmentally friendly.

mammalian oil

Mammalian omega-3 oil is made from seal butter and exists in the form of naturally occurring triglycerides.

In addition to EPA and DHA, it also contains relatively high levels of docosapentaenoic acid (DPA), an omega-3 fatty acid that has a variety of potential health benefits. Mammalian omega-3 oil also has very low omega-6 content.

ALA oil

ALA is the abbreviation for alpha-linolenic acid. It is the plant form of omega-3.

It is found in particularly high amounts in flaxseeds, chia seeds, and hemp seeds.

Your body can convert it into EPA or DHA, but this conversion process is inefficient. Most vegetable oils also have higher omega-6 content than omega-3 content.

algae oil

Seaweed, especially microalgae, is another triglyceride source of EPA and DHA.

In fact, the EPA and DHA in fish come from algae. It is eaten by smaller fish and moves up the food chain from there.

Research shows that seaweed oil contains higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids, especially DHA, than fish oil. This is an especially good source for vegetarians and vegans.

It may also contain important minerals such as iodine.

Additionally, algae oil is considered environmentally friendly. It does not contain any contaminants, such as heavy metals, making it a sustainable, healthy choice.

Omega-3 Capsules

Omega-3 oils are commonly found in capsules or softgels.

These products are popular with consumers because they are tasteless and easy to swallow.

Capsules are usually made from a soft layer of gelatin, and many manufacturers also use enteric coatings.

Enteric coating helps prevent the capsule from dissolving before it reaches the small intestine. This is common in fish oil capsules as it prevents fish from burping.

However, it can also mask the odor of rancid fish oil.

What to look for when buying supplements

When purchasing omega-3 supplements, be sure to read labels carefully.

Also check the following:

  • Types of omega-3s. Many omega-3 supplements often contain little, if any, EPA and DHA (the most important types of omega-3). Make sure your supplement contains these.
  • Amount of omega-3. The front of the supplement may state that each capsule contains 1,000 mg of fish oil. However, you'll see on the back that there are only 320 mg of EPA and DHA.
  • form of omega-3. For better absorption, look for FFA (free fatty acids), TG, rTG (triglycerides and recombinant triglycerides), and PL (phospholipids) rather than EE (ethyl esters).
  • Purity and authenticity. Try to buy products with GOED purity standards or a third-party seal. These labels indicate that they are safe and contain what they say.
  • Fresh. Omega-3s go bad easily. Once they go bad, they can emit an unpleasant odor and become less effective or even harmful. Be sure to check the date and smell the product to see if it contains antioxidants like vitamin E.
  • Sustainability. Try to buy fish oil certified by MSC, Environmental Defense Fund, or similar organizations. Small fish with short lifespans tend to be more sustainable.

If you take Omega-3 capsules, it's a good idea to open one and smell it from time to time to make sure it hasn't gone bad.

Which omega-3 supplement is best?

For most people looking to improve their health, regular fish oil supplementation is probably the best option.

However, keep in mind that natural fish oil usually contains no more than 30% EPA and DHA, which means 70% is other fats.

You can also buy supplements that contain higher concentrations of omega-3s. EPA and DHA content can be as high as 90%. For best results, look for brands that contain omega-3 free fatty acids. Triglycerides or phospholipids are also good.

Some well-known omega-3 supplement brands include Nordic Naturals, Green Pasture, Bio-Marine Plus, Omegavia, and Ovega-3.


For most people, regular fish oil supplementation may be enough.

However, make sure the supplement contains the ingredients it claims, paying special attention to the EPA and DHA content.

EPA and DHA are most commonly found in animal-based omega-3 products. Vegetarian options are available, but usually only contain ALA. One exception is algae oil, which is an excellent source of high-quality omega-3s and is suitable for everyone, including vegetarians.

It's best to take these supplements with a meal that contains fat, as fat increases your absorption of omega-3s.

Finally, remember that omega-3s are just as perishable as fish, so buying them in bulk is not a good idea.

Ultimately, omega-3s are probably one of the most beneficial supplements you can take. Just make sure to choose wisely.


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