

healthy PIG
懷孕會帶來顯著的身體變化,強調適當營養,尤其是纖維,在預防不適和解決消化問題的重要性。 香蕉因其美味和營養價值(包括高纖維含量)而受到讚譽。 香蕉中的可溶性和不溶性纖維混合可促進消化並防止便秘,對孕婦有益。 香蕉富含天然糖,可以溫和地補充能量,對於能量水平波動的孕婦來說是絕佳的零食。 香蕉富含...


healthy PIG
腸胃炎康復時的一種廣為人知的飲食建議是 BRAT 飲食。 這代表香蕉(B)、米飯(R)、蘋果醬(A)和吐司(T)。 這些溫和的食物對腸道溫和,這對於腸胃炎康復期間很重要。 近年來,由於缺乏臨床試驗證據,BRAT 飲食的受歡迎程度有所下降。 然而,研究表明飲食中的個別成分可能有助於胃腸道癒合。 ...


healthy PIG
卡路里 一根中等大小的香蕉,重118克蕉,有105卡熱量。 93%來自碳水化合物, 4% 來自蛋白質 3%來自脂肪 營養成分 一根中等大小的香蕉(7 英吋至 7-7/8 英吋長)的營養成分: 總脂肪 0.4克 1% 飽和脂肪0.1公克 0% 鈉 1.2毫克 0% 總碳水化合物 27g 1...

Who should not eat bananas?

healthy PIG
Who can’t eat bananas? Bananas are a nutrient-dense fruit that are generally safe for most people to eat as part of a balanced diet. However, in s...

Eat Bananas on an Empty Stomach: What happens to your body when you eat a banana first thing in the morning?

healthy PIG
Bananas are a versatile and nutritious fruit that can be enjoyed in many different ways. They are a good source of vitamins C and B6, potassium and...

Interesting facts about bananas

healthy PIG
Bananas are always curved due to negative geotropism Once a banana develops, it no longer grows toward the ground, but toward the sun. The fruit c...
香蕉對第 2 型糖尿病有好處嗎?

Are bananas good for type 2 diabetes?

healthy PIG
In the United States, type 2 diabetes is relatively common in older adults (and occasionally in younger adults). Managing the condition is complex and several factors must be considered, including diet.

How many bananas should you eat every day?

healthy PIG

For most healthy people, bananas are a delicious, nutritious fruit. But it's best to only eat once or twice a day, as too much may lead to weight gain and nutritional deficiencies. A balanced diet is the key to optimal health. Bananas are a very popular fruit – and it’s no surprise. They are convenient, versatile and a main ingredient in many cuisines around the world. While bananas are a healthy, nutritious snack, eating too many can be harmful. This article explores how many bananas you should eat every day.


Are bananas good or bad for bodybuilding? Include advantages and disadvantages

healthy PIG
Bodybuilders turn to certain fruits either because they are rich in micronutrients and therefore beneficial for optimal health, or because they are rich in natural sugars that provide energy for workouts.
However, not all fruits are created equal. Some fruits are better for bodybuilders than others.
So, are bananas good or bad for fitness?

How many calories and carbs are there in a banana?

healthy PIG
Bananas are very healthy and contain many important nutrients. A medium banana contains only 105 calories on average. However, more than 90% of bananas are composed of carbohydrates. It's generally known that bananas are highly nutritious, but many people wonder how many calories and carbs they actually contain. This article answers these questions

Banana Benefits and Health Risks

Healthy PIG
Bananas are one of the most popular fruits in the world. They contain essential nutrients that have protective effects on health. Eating bananas can help lower blood pressure and may reduce the risk of cancer. This article will look at the potential health benefits of bananas, such as improving heart health and promoting regularity. It also examines the health risks doctors believe bananas may pose.