
Protecting Your Teeth from Acid Erosion: Tips for Better Dental Health

healthy PIG
Our teeth are resilient, but they are not impervious to damage, especially when exposed to acidic foods and beverages. Acid erosion occurs when the...
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4 Ways Braces Help Your Oral Health

healthy PIG

Not everyone is born with perfectly straight teeth. Crooked teeth, misaligned teeth, crowded teeth, “too many” teeth – all of these can lead to an imperfect smile. This can lower a person's self-confidence. The good news is that all of these problems can be solved with the use of braces. Braces are traditional metal brackets that help push misaligned teeth into the desired position. The brackets exert a tolerable amount of pressure on the teeth, gradually adjusting the brackets until they move into their desired position.

There are now different types and colors of braces available, as well as invisible braces. There are traditional metal braces or brightly colored braces. Some ceramic braces are less noticeable than metal braces. For those who are conscious about wearing braces, invisible braces or braces are also available. The difference is appearance and cost. Listening to your dentist’s advice will help you choose braces that are right for each person. Young people and adults alike can use braces to improve the appearance of their smile and the position of their teeth. But braces offer more than just aesthetic value; they also promote and support a person's oral health. Depending on the severity of a person's dental problems, the length of time they wear braces varies from person to person to achieve the desired appearance.


Are you too old for braces?

healthy PIG
Ideally, human teeth should be aligned like the keys on a piano. Unfortunately, many people have to deal with crooked teeth, a crowded smile, or a misaligned bite. These problems cause more than just cosmetic problems. Crowded or overlapping teeth can be difficult to clean and more likely to lead to cavities and gum disease. When you close your jaw, your teeth don't fit together properly (a problem called malocclusion, or "bad bite"), which can cause chewing and swallowing problems. Poor tooth alignment can also make certain sounds difficult to pronounce and put excessive stress on the chewing muscles, causing facial pain.

How braces improve dental health

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Did you know braces can improve your dental health? Dental and orthodontic care go hand in hand. Many dentists are trained to spot bite and alignment problems. These problems can be corrected with appropriate orthodontic care and should be corrected early, before the child outgrows them. Getting braces as a child can correct problems that become serious later in life. Wearing braces as a teen or even as an adult can greatly improve your oral health because it reduces the chance of tooth decay and even gum disease. Straighter teeth are teeth that are easier to clean and care for. \

What are the health benefits of braces?

healthy PIG
Who doesn’t long for straight teeth and a beautiful smile? While braces ensure straighter teeth and enhance their appearance, they also have many surprising medical benefits! From preventing cavities, gum disease, and cavities to improved oral health and better digestion, here are some of the long-term medical benefits of braces.

Does wearing braces hurt?

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Considering braces? You may be wondering how much damage they can cause. Braces can cause discomfort, but they're usually not too bad.

How Braces Straighten Children's and Adults' Teeth

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Braces are devices used to correct crowded or crooked teeth or a misalignment of the jaw (called a malocclusion). Braces are most often used during adolescence, but an increasing number of adults are using orthodontic braces later in life. Braces are made of metal or ceramic, wires, and a bonding material that secures them to the teeth. An orthodontist is a doctor who specializes in this equipment and the treatment of misaligned teeth. The success rate of braces depends on your age when you start treatment and your treatment goals. The Mayo Clinic notes that braces are generally very effective for the people who use them, but their effectiveness depends on the individual and their ability to follow their orthodontist's instructions carefully.

Does your child need braces?

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Crooked and crowded teeth are traditional signs that you or your child may need braces. But crooked teeth or an overbite aren’t the only signs that you need braces. Another theory is that you need to wait until all of your child's permanent teeth have grown in to determine if your child needs braces.

Maintain oral hygiene with braces

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Oral hygiene is important at every stage of life. You should brush your teeth at least twice a day to remove plaque buildup. When you wear braces, you should have more frequent visits. There are both cosmetic and medical reasons to take good care of your teeth and gums with braces. Although brushing and flossing with braces takes longer, the extra time and effort is worth it. When your braces are removed, you will have a beautiful, healthy smile that will last a lifetime.


healthy PIG
Braces can correct a variety of dental problems, including crooked, gapped, rotated, or crowded teeth. There are many types of braces, including traditional metal braces, ceramic braces and other clear aligners. Braces can improve the health, function, and appearance of your smile.

How to maintain good oral hygiene while wearing braces

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Whether you have metal braces, ceramic braces, or lingual braces, you need to know how to care for them. If you take care of your braces properly, it will make them more comfortable and effective, which means you'll be one step closer to your perfect smile every day! So, what can you do to ensure you maintain your oral health while wearing braces?


Caring for your teeth with braces

healthy PIG
Maintaining good oral hygiene is one of the most critical aspects that determines the overall prognosis of orthodontic treatment. Food particles trapped in braces or braces can cause plaque buildup and accelerate the attack of oral microorganisms on the teeth, leading to dental complications such as cavities. Proper oral hygiene includes professional dental instruction, use of the correct tools, and patient motivation. The first step an orthodontist takes is to educate the patient on the need for oral hygiene during orthodontic treatment. The main goal is to achieve changes in patient behavior. One study suggests this process should include ongoing proactive reminders via phone calls from dentists. This can lead to positive behavioral changes while increasing awareness of disease prevention.