
Types of braces

The type of braces your orthodontist recommends depends on a variety of factors, such as your age and whether you have an overbite in addition to your crooked teeth. Braces are tailored to each individual's needs.

The classic braces that most people think of are made of metal brackets that are individually bonded to each of your teeth. The archwire puts pressure on the teeth and jawline, and an elastic O-ring connects the archwire to the bracket.

The archwires are adjusted periodically as your teeth slowly move into the desired position, and the elastics are replaced at your orthodontist appointments.

Other types of braces include:

  • Ceramic “clear” braces, less obvious
  • Lingual braces, placed completely behind the teeth
  • Invisible braces, also called aligner trays, can be removed and put back in throughout the day

Retainers are trays of aligners that are typically provided after treatment is completed with traditional braces. They are used to hold your teeth in their new position.

How Braces Move Teeth

Braces move teeth by applying constant pressure to them over time. The shape of your jaw will gradually adapt to this pressure.

We tend to think of our teeth as being directly connected to the jawbone, so it's hard to imagine how they move. But beneath the gums there is a membrane surrounded by bone that holds the teeth to the jaw. This membrane controls the position of the teeth and responds to the pressure the braces exert on the teeth.

Braces don't hurt during your appointment, and installation takes one to two hours. During the first week of wearing braces, you may experience soreness during the adjustment process. You may also be sore for a few days each time your orthodontist adjusts your braces.

stent adhesion

After the teeth are clean and dry, glue is used to attach ceramic, plastic or stainless steel brackets to the teeth. Installing the bracket may be uncomfortable, but it won't cause pain.

These brackets apply pressure evenly to your teeth. They are connected and surrounded by wires made of stainless steel, nickel titanium or copper titanium.

elastic band

Once the brackets are placed on the teeth, elastic bands are placed around the brackets. They increase pressure on the jaw and are typical of most traditional brace treatments.


Gaskets are made from rubber bands or metal rings. Your orthodontist may place them between your molars during your appointment.

The spacer pushes the chin forward by increasing the space at the back of the mouth. They also make room for your braces to fit properly if the back of your mouth is too tight.

Not everyone needs spacers. They are usually only used for a week or two at a time.


Archwires connect the braces to the teeth. They are the mechanism that applies pressure to move the teeth into position. Archwires can be made from stainless steel, nickel titanium, or copper titanium.

buccal canal

A buccal tube is a metal component that attaches to a molar tooth. The buccal tube holds the rest of the braces in place at the back of your mouth. Your orthodontist can then tighten and loosen different parts of the braces.

bow line

Coil springs are sometimes placed over the arch lines of braces. They exert pressure between two teeth, pushing them apart and creating more space.


Headgear is rarely required and is usually worn only at night. A headgear is a band that attaches to your braces to put extra pressure on your teeth when they need special correction.

Will wearing braces hurt?

You should not feel pain when getting braces installed. But they may feel uncomfortable in the days after the initial placement and during and after adjustment.

Braces pain feels like a dull ache or throbbing. If you experience pain after wearing braces, you can take over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen (Advil) to relieve pain.

What are mini braces?

Mini braces are smaller than traditional braces. They do not surround individual teeth, which means they take up less space in the mouth.

Some orthodontists claim that they may speed up your treatment time if you qualify for mini braces. If you want to know if you may be a candidate, talk to your orthodontist.

How fast do braces work?

The length of treatment varies from person to person, but typically people wear braces for one to three years. By carefully following your orthodontist's instructions, you can ensure that you wear braces for as short a time as possible.

How do braces work for adults compared to children?

You may be surprised to know that you are never too old to wear braces. But starting treatment early has some specific advantages.

As a teenager, your jawline and underlying tissue are still moving as you develop into an adult. During this stage, your jawline may be more mobile and your teeth may be more sensitive to movement.

If your teeth respond quickly to braces, treatment may not take as long. Once your teeth and jaw stop growing, there are some adjustments that braces cannot make.

In general, adults go through the same process as children when getting braces. In addition to the duration of treatment, there are other things to consider when you are an adult who wants to wear braces.

If you are pregnant or considering becoming pregnant, you should discuss with your ob-gyn how braces may affect your pregnancy.

You may also want to consult your primary care physician if you have an underlying health condition and are concerned that it may be affected.

keep braces

While you have braces, you also need to avoid certain foods that may become trapped between your braces and your gum line. These foods include:

  • hard candy
  • Popcorn
  • chewing gum

When you wear braces, your teeth are more likely to retain food that can lead to cavities. Be mindful of how often you drink sugary drinks and starchy foods, which can erode enamel.

When you wear braces, you'll need to see your orthodontist every 8 to 10 weeks for adjustments. Your orthodontist will perform exams to make sure you are maintaining oral health and taking good care of your braces. Your orthodontist will also replace the O-ring when necessary.

Clean teeth with braces

When you wear braces, it’s important to take extra care of your mouth. Brushing your teeth after meals prevents food from getting stuck between the braces and teeth. Special floss provided by your orthodontist can be used to floss around your braces twice a day.

You may want to invest in a flosser that can be easily moved around your braces and help reach hard-to-clean areas. A special device called an interdental brush is used to clean under and around the archwires and brackets.

While you have braces, you should still schedule cleanings with your dentist every six months to a year.

in conclusion

Braces change the way your smile looks by putting pressure on your jaw. Having straight teeth and a properly aligned jaw not only affects your appearance, but also your overall health.

Braces work slowly, and treatment methods vary from person to person. If you're curious about getting braces, talk to your dentist.


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