
What is pain threshold and pain tolerance?

At its most basic, pain is a wake-up call that some damage may be happening to your body and prompts you to take action.

Pain threshold is the time at which you start to feel pain from a sensation. For example, clamping your wrist with a clamp will not cause immediate harm. However, as the pressure builds, you may experience discomfort and then pain. Your pain level is your pain threshold pressure.

We can also tolerate some pain, but we all have a limit. The point at which pain becomes unbearable is the person's pain tolerance.

Photometry and how we measure pain

Pain threshold and pain tolerance are both arbitrary and not measured on some scale. How do we quantify that being punched is more painful than being pinched?

So, to quantify pain, Cornell University researchers Hardy, Wolff and Goodell designed an experiment in which they burned themselves once for three seconds. After repeatedly burning three unfortunate subjects (more than 100 times, in fact), they asked the subjects to report the amount of pain they felt using a scale.

They created a unit of pain measurement (dol) based on the Latin word dolor (pain). A dol is the only noticeable difference between one pain intensity and another. Based on this, they created a 0-10 scale.

Many subjects with second-degree burns reported a pain level of 8. Any pain measurement above 11 dol is considered "difficult to discern." In other words, the pain was too excruciating for the study subjects to even quantify. This method of measuring pain sensitivity is called photometry.

This unit of measurement never really caught on in the scientific community. First, almost no one has been able to reproduce their results. Secondly, pain is a subjective experience that depends on a person's emotional state, psychological outlook, gender, age and genetics at the time.

This is why doctors' offices still use smiley faces (of which there are many types, too) when asking you how you're going through a lot of pain. If you say, "About 3.5 dol," the doctor may have no idea what you mean, but when you point to an animated face with a frown on its face and tears in its eyes, the doctor gets it.

As mentioned above, physical, psychological, and genetic factors all influence humans' subjective perception of pain, making precise quantification and comparison nearly impossible.

Brain's perception of pain affects how much pain a person can tolerate

As a child, imagine your parents protecting you from every possible danger. If you've never experienced a sprained ankle, black eye, or broken bone, you probably have a lower pain threshold. Another child who scrapes a knee, sprains an ankle, and wears a cast while growing up may develop a higher tolerance for pain. Once you've broken a few fingers off your skateboard, a bruised elbow doesn't seem so bad, right?

This experience is backed up by research, sometimes in strange ways. During World War II, Henry Beecher discovered that wounded soldiers suffered less than wounded civilians because injuries were less painful for soldiers than in war.

Plausibly, athletes and dancers have been found to have higher pain tolerance than writers who sit hunched over a computer all day.

Even stranger, if your brain thinks there is no pain, then you no longer feel pain. This is called the placebo effect, and it doesn't just apply to pain. This is the power of belief in bodily sensations, including pain. So the "mind over matter" attitude in some cultures makes sense, even if it's in a roundabout way.

But, of course, the brain is complex, and we're still not sure how it processes pain.

So while you and I may experience pain differently, there are still times that can be exhausting for anyone.

The most painful experiences are fractures, especially of the femur, which is the longest bone in the body located in the thigh. Next comes childbirth, which only about half the population gets to experience. This is equivalent to damage to the testicles.

heartbreak pain

Social pain is real pain. We reflect this by the way we talk about the pain, "You hurt my feelings" or "My heart is broken." The thought of losing a loved one is the same as the actual pain in the brain.這個想法或事件會激活大腦中的兩個部分——背側前扣帶皮層(dACC) 和前島葉(AI)——當您感到令人痛苦的身體疼痛時,這兩個部分也會被啟用settings . You may not be able to measure it with numbers or a visual analogy scale, but it’s real!

Will you pass out from excessive pain?

If you experience severe pain, your brain will hit the emergency shutdown button. Fainting due to severe, unbearable pain is called vasovagal syncope.

Many people have experienced this situation, and the reason is insufficient blood supply to the brain. When you feel a sudden, sharp pain in the nerves responsible for controlling heart rate (HR) and blood pressure (BP). Therefore, interruptions in their work may cause heart rate and blood pressure to drop. This affects the blood supply to the brain, causing stress that can lead to fainting. The amount of pain that may cause fainting depends on the person's pain tolerance.

Vasovagal syncope

It occurs when you pass out because your body overreacts to certain triggers, such as seeing blood or extreme emotional distress. It may also be called neurocardiogenic syncope.

Vasovagal syncope triggers cause your heart rate and blood pressure to suddenly drop. This results in reduced blood flow to the brain, causing you to briefly lose consciousness.

Vasovagal syncope is usually harmless and does not require treatment. But you can get injured during a vasovagal syncope episode. Your doctor may recommend tests to rule out more serious causes of fainting, such as heart disease.


Before you pass out from vasovagal syncope, you may experience some of the following:

  • pale skin
  • Dizziness
  • Narrow vision – your field of vision narrows so you can only see what’s in front of you
  • nausea
  • feel warm
  • Cold sweat, wetness
  • blurry vision

During an episode of vasovagal syncope, bystanders may notice:

  • Jerky, abnormal movements
  • Pulse is slow and weak
  • dilated pupils

Recovery usually begins within a minute after a vasovagal attack. However, if you stand up too early (within about 15 to 30 minutes) after passing out, you risk passing out again.


Vasovagal syncope occurs when the part of the nervous system that regulates heart rate and blood pressure malfunctions in response to a trigger, such as the sight of blood.

Your heart rate slows and the blood vessels in your legs widen (dilate). This causes blood to pool in the legs, lowering blood pressure. The combination of a drop in blood pressure and a slowing of the heart rate can quickly reduce blood flow to the brain and make you faint.

Sometimes the classic triggers for vasovagal syncope are not present, but common triggers include:

  • standing for long periods of time
  • heat exposure
  • see blood
  • draw blood
  • fear of physical injury
  • Straining, such as having a bowel movement


You may not always be able to avoid a vasovagal syncope episode. If you feel like you might faint, lie down and raise your legs. This allows gravity to keep blood flowing to your brain. If you can't lie down, sit with your head between your knees until you feel better.


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