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What is tuberose?

Tuberose ( Polianthes tuberosa ) is a perennial herbaceous bulb. It is part of the Agave family and is native to Mexico. Tuberose is a clumping bulb that produces bright green, strap-like leaves that are upright and grass-like. Smaller leaves form along the stem. In late summer through fall, tall flower spikes appear with clusters of fragrant white star-shaped flowers. The flowers bloom from the base and open upward. In mild climates, it can bloom year-round. Tuberose prefers a sunny location in the garden, sheltered from strong winds.

Where does tuberose come from?

Tuberose is a peculiar anesthetic flower with medicinal properties found in southern India, Egypt, the Comoros, Morocco, Tunisia, Italy, Spain and Grasse in southern France. It requires a warm, dry climate to grow.

It reached European shores in the 16th century with the Spanish conquest of Mexico. Exotic, rich and narcotic, tuberose requires a warm, dry climate and grows in southern India, Egypt, Morocco, Comoros, Italy, Spain, Grasse in southern France and Tunisia.

Introduced to Lower Provence in 1632 by Father Théophile Minuti, it became so popular that the date of its arrival was recorded.

Tuberose comes from Mexico. The Aztecs are said to have used its essential oil to flavor chocolate. It was introduced to Europe during the Spanish conquest of Mexico in the 16th century and later to Asia. It was formerly known as Indian hyacinth.

During the reign of Louis XIV, its fragrance filled the corridors of Versailles. The king's gardeners introduced 10,000 tuberose bulbs for the Trianon plantation.

Tuberose production has increased significantly since the 19th century. It was used to decorate funeral altars in parts of Asia, and in India its name means night fragrance.

tuberose in perfume

Tuberose is a popular floral in perfume, known for its rich, heady scent. It adds depth and complexity to fragrances and is often used in oriental (amber) and floral fragrances . It's sweet, heady, with notes of jasmine and orange blossom. Our perfumers delve into this luxurious and romantic scent and offer some of our latest tuberose-infused fragrances.

Here it appears in many festivals, religious ceremonies and especially weddings, where its intoxicating charm is infused into the personal decorations, bouquets and garlands that decorate the bedrooms of newlyweds.

In India, tuberose is harvested every morning from May to December. The name of this flower means night fragrance in Hindi. In India, tuberose is widely used in festivals, religious ceremonies and weddings, mainly as wreaths to decorate the new houses of newlyweds. It is considered an erotic flower.

Processing and manufacturing of tuberose raw materials

Tuberose absolute can only be obtained by extracting tuberose with volatile solvents. It is definitely one of the most expensive in the world.

Perfume containing tuberose

  • Fracas by Piguet
  • Poison by Dior
  • Tendre Poison by Dior
  • Jardins de Bagatelle by Guerlain
  • Mayotte by Guerlain
  • Joyeuse Tubéreuse by Guerlain
  • Giorgio Beverly Hills by Karl Lagerfeld
  • Chloé by Karl Lagerfeld
  • Tubéreuse Criminelle by Serge Lutens
  • Carnal Flowers by Frédéric Malle
  • Nuit de Tubéreuse by L'Artisan Parfumeur
  • Gabrielle by Chanel
  • Fleur de Peau by Diptyque
  • Do son by Diptyque
  • Twilly by Hermès
  • La Fille de l'Air by Courrèges
  • Fragile by Jean Paul Gaultier
  • Turbulences by Vuitton
  • Tubéreuse Mystique by Bulgari
  • Amarige by Givenchy
  • Gucci Bloom by Gucci
  • Café Tuberosa by Atelier Cologne

Tuberose planting

Benefits of growing tuberose

Tuberose is an easy-to-grow bulb that is easy to propagate and easy to divide. They have tall, showy flowers that are sweetly scented, making them perfect for growing in a fragrant garden. They make excellent cut flowers and are highly selected by florists to add fragrance to bouquets and cut flower arrangements.

How to grow tuberose

climate zone

cool to tropical

Factory scale

Height: 70cm-1.2m, width: 10-20cm

When to Plant Tuberose

Planting in late winter to early spring

land preparation

Tuberose prefers well-drained, fertile soil. Dig well-decomposed organic matter into the soil before planting. The soil must be free of lime.

How to grow tuberose

Plant in a sunny location, 15-20 cm apart, with the bulb tips just above the soil surface.

Tuberose Plant Care

The soil needs to be moist when planting, but kept fairly dry until green tips appear. Keep it moist during the growing season and continue watering until the leaves begin to turn yellow and die as the bulb goes dormant over the winter.

As soon as growth appears, apply a whole plant food.

Leave the bulbs in the ground and divide them every 2 to 3 years. Dig up the bulbs around May and June, cut off the old leaves and allow to dry. Shake off the soil and trim the roots. The small bulbs can be separated and should bloom next season. Large bulbs that have bloomed will be discarded as they will not bloom again.

Usually no trouble, but watch out for snails, slugs, and thrips.


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