冰島苔蘚 - 用途、副作用等

Iceland moss (Cetraria islandica) is a polycarpic (branched, bushy) lichen. Lichens are made from algae and fungi that grow together. Lichens absorb nutrients from the environment and are easily contaminated.

They grow well in Iceland because it is one of the least polluted countries in the world. It varies in color from dark brown to off-white and can grow up to 7 cm (3 inches) tall. Channel branches branch into flat lobes with short hairs on the edges. Icelandic moss grows in high mountain areas in the Northern Hemisphere as well as on the lava slopes and plains of Iceland, hence its name.

It is an important food for reindeer, reindeer, musk oxen and moose. Iceland moss is also used as a food supplement for sheep and cattle, and may have been the first lichen used as food by humans. It is soaked, dried, ground into powder and mixed with cereals and potatoes for use in breads, soups, salads and jellies. It has a slightly bitter taste and contains about 70% lichenin, lichen starch and extractable brown dye. Since Icelandic moss is a source of glycerin, it is used in the soap industry and in the manufacture of cold creams.

Iceland moss is used to treat mouth and throat irritation, loss of appetite, the common cold, and other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support these uses.



The main chemical component found in Icelandic moss is large amounts of a starch called lichenin. When this compound is boiled, it turns into a mucus-like substance that is particularly soothing to irritated mucous membranes in the respiratory tract and nasal cavities. It also contains complex polysaccharides with immune-stimulating effects, which are particularly helpful in fighting catarrh and calming dry coughs.

It is also a powerful antibiotic containing usnic acid and other lichenic acids that fight bacteria and viruses.

The Herbal Products Council (HMPC) concluded that "Based on its long-term use, Icelandic moss preparations may be used as an analgesic (soothing agent) in the treatment of mouth and throat irritation and associated dry cough."

It is also approved by German Committee E for the treatment of mouth and throat inflammation, cough and bronchitis.

digestive health

Iceland moss is classified as a bitter herb - it stimulates digestive enzymes and enhances the body's ability to absorb nutrients, while being a highly nutritious food in its own right.

The aforementioned high mucus content also exerts a soothing effect on the digestive tract and intestines, helping to relieve symptoms of gastritis, stomach ulcers and chronic digestive disorders. Because of its ability to gently expel intestinal worms and other parasites, it may also be used to treat digestive disorders caused by parasites.

Folklore and History

Icelandic moss is thought to have been used by Icelanders since their settlement in 874. The first mention of the use of Icelandic moss in Iceland is in the Jónsbók (Book of Laws) of 1281, which prohibits trespassing on other farms to grow Icelandic moss. Pick lichens.

Icelandic legends also mention lichen-picking expeditions, in which women and children rode into the mountains on horseback to pick lichens, with an adult man on hand to supervise. They slept in tents and carried lichen in leather bags - Icelandic moss was a savior in hard times. Cereal cultivation in Iceland had never been successful due to unfavorable climate and terrain, so moss was their staple food. The more moss that grew on one's land, the more valuable that land was considered.

traditional use

Icelandic moss is believed to be the first lichen used by humans as food and is one of the forty species of Cetraria plants. It has been used in European folk medicine for centuries, primarily to treat coughs and other respiratory ailments. It has also been traditionally used as a galactagogue – an herb that stimulates the flow of milk in breastfeeding mothers. Although it grows in many high mountain areas in the Northern Hemisphere, it is best known for growing abundantly on the mineral-rich volcanic soil of the pure, unpolluted air of Iceland's ancient lava fields.

It is well known that Icelandic moss is a nutrient-rich food source, and all farms with Icelandic moss resources send out a group of people every summer to collect the lichens stored for the winter. The lichen is then prepared in a variety of ways, from Icelandic moss milk, Icelandic moss porridge and bread to offal dishes and brewed tea. Icelandic moss was and still is a valuable food source for reindeer, reindeer, musk oxen and moose.

Typical uses

Iceland Moss Tincture:

Traditional use: Take 2-3 ml 2-3 times daily, or as directed by your herbalist.

Iceland Moss Tea is made by adding 1-2 teaspoons of Icelandic Moss powder to 1 cup of boiling water. Cover the mixture and let soak for 10-15 minutes. Natural sweeteners can be added to tea.


Icelandic moss contains about 70% lichenin or lichen starch. It produces variations of chlorophyll (called chlorophyll), fumaric acid, lichenostearic acid, and tetracosyl acid (which gives it its bitter taste). It also contains lichenic acid and protolichenic acid.


Although Iceland moss is generally considered safe, excessive or long-term use may cause nausea, loose bowels, stomach irritation, or liver problems.

If you are taking any prescription medications, contact your healthcare professional before consuming Iceland moss.


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