
If you've been feeling sluggish lately, that's natural. There are so many things demanding our attention and energy right now that we are perpetually exhausted.

Not to mention, many of us are disconnected from the normal routine that provides us with motivation throughout the day.

But if you don't want to continue drinking coffee, or just don't like coffee in general, where can you turn? Try one of these caffeine alternatives for natural, healthy energy.

Chicory Root "Coffee"

While it won't specifically give you an energy boost, making chicory root coffee is one of the best ways to mimic the flavor and ritual of coffee, if that's the solace you're looking for.

Chicory root is often used to make coffee-like beverages because when roasted, it imparts a similar aroma and flavor. You may also recognize that chicory root often appears on ingredient lists of foods that add fiber because it provides beneficial digestive properties as well as anti-hyperglycemic benefits.

To enjoy, soak in water and add milk and sweetener of your choice.

B vitamins

A deficiency in B-complex vitamins can lead to mood problems, fatigue, and difficulty concentrating. Make sure your diet includes foods rich in B vitamins (such as lean meats, nuts, seeds and fortified cereals). B vitamins are also available as supplements.

One of the most innovative is vitamin B3 called nicotinamide riboside (NR). The reason it works so well is because our bodies can convert NR into a coenzyme called nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+). This coenzyme is found in all living cells and plays a vital role in promoting energy metabolism and maintaining normal cell function. Therefore, if you support your body's natural levels of NAD+, you support energy production at the cellular level.

carob tree

Most commonly used as a chocolate substitute, carob has been cultivated for thousands of years. This caffeine-free treat is highly nutritious and contains protein, vitamins A and B, carbohydrates and some minerals. Carob contains high amounts of pinitol, which has insulin-like effects and works with minerals to create a feeling of energy.

Carob also has digestive benefits (this is very important as slow digestion can use up a lot of energy!). Since carob is sweeter than cocoa, you can use it to make smoothies or hot chocolate that tastes sweeter without adding sugar.

Rhodiola rosea

Rhodiola rosea is a perennial flowering plant often used to boost energy. Rhodiola rosea can support physical functions and relieve mental fatigue. According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, there is evidence that rhodiola can support physical function and relieve mental fatigue. It's most commonly taken as a supplement (and most readily available).


You know water is good for you, so why not drink more of it? Serve with lemon or berries for a natural flavor, warm or cold. No matter how you drink it, water can help you feel more alert, especially since dehydration (even mild levels) can cause fatigue.

I recommend starting your day with a tall glass of water to start hydrating, and then, when you need a pick-me-up throughout the day, consider your body’s natural reminders to drink water!


Maca has been around for centuries as a popular adaptogen to support adrenal function and combat fatigue. But current research suggests it has a place in your kitchen. Also helps enhance mental concentration

Add a few spoonfuls to your smoothie or warm it up with plant-based milk for a great way to start your day. There are also many baking recipes that you can add this superfood to.

Mint tea

Peppermint feels refreshing, so it's no surprise that research shows that ingesting peppermint may have benefits for the body , including athletic performance and supporting brain oxygen levels.

Since mint is so easy to grow, you can always add it to hot water to make instant tea by adding the fresh or dried leaves to hot water in minutes. You can also add peppermint essential oil, which one study showed has similar energizing effects .


Cordyceps has been shown to increase aerobic capacity and endurance while helping to maintain energy levels in people who are tired. This energy-boosting elixir is a favorite among weekend warriors and athletes alike.


If you look at the ingredients in popular energy drinks, you'll probably see ginseng. In traditional Chinese medicine, ginseng is used as a qi-enhancing tonic because it is believed to "tonify the five internal organs." (spleen, lungs, heart, liver, kidneys) and sharp mind. Today, it is used for memory and stamina, as well as improving concentration. It might even make you regret your choice to fuel your college studies.

Try it in popular tea form, or buy capsules from your local health food store or online. Remember to use caution with dosage based on supplement concentration, read all information on the package, and consult your doctor before starting a new supplement regimen.


Nuts are a perfect, nutritious and balanced food containing carbohydrates, fats and proteins. They keep you full and energized longer than other foods because they balance carbohydrate fuel with the satiating and blood sugar-balancing effects of fat and protein. One study found that eating nuts regularly improves brainwave frequencies associated with cognition, so you can stay alert without the jolt of caffeine.

Each nut has its own benefits, so pick your favorite and add it to your breakfast bowl or take some with you as a snack. For an extra dose of mental stimulation, research shows walnuts are good for memory and learning skills. In fact, a handful of walnuts contains almost twice as much antioxidants as the same amount of other common nuts.


If you have a sweet tooth in the middle of the day, your body is probably telling you to look for energy fast! Ditch the candy at the curb and opt for naturally sweet, nutrient-dense options like berries. If you want to get the best of both worlds, grab some blueberries, they're a good source of fiber, which means the energy boost will last and help you feel satisfied for longer. Studies have found that consuming blueberries is linked to improved endothelial health (the lining of blood vessels) and improved blood flow. Blueberries pair well with everything from salads to smoothies, so stock up!


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