
The brain undergoes an MRA (magnetic resonance angiography) examination. MRA uses magnetic fields, radio waves, and computers to create images of soft tissue, bones, and internal body structures. MRA of the brain was used to generate two three-dimensional images of blood vessels. MRA is primarily used to detect narrowing of arteries and rule out aneurysms.

What is magnetic resonance angiography?

MRA is a type of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan that uses magnetic fields and pulses of radio wave energy to provide pictures of blood vessels in the body. Standard MRI does not provide good images of blood vessels and blood flow.

How do I prepare for the exam?

Generally speaking, you don't need to do anything before this test unless your doctor tells you to.

If you are claustrophobic or experience severe pain when lying down for more than 10 minutes, we recommend that you contact your referring doctor and ask for a relaxant or analgesic to help you through the scan. Radiologists will not prescribe these medications for you.

What should I do after the test?

  • You need to remove all metal objects from your body. These objects may be attracted to the powerful magnets used for testing.
  • You will need to remove all or most of your clothes, depending on the area being examined. You will be given a dress to use during the test. If you are allowed to keep some clothes, make sure your pockets are empty.
  • If you wear a patch, you may need to remove it. MRI can cause some plaque burns.
  • You may be given a sedative if you feel nervous or if you think you won't be able to lie still for the test.

What do I do in between?

  • An MRA of the brain requires you to lie on the scanning table with your head facing forward.
  • You may have contrast material put into your arm through a tube called an IV.
  • A coil will be placed around your head for optimal image quality.
  • The scanning table slides your body into the magnet.
  • You won't feel anything during the scan, but you will hear intermittent buzzing, clicking, and tapping sounds. Earplugs will be required to help mask noise during the scan.
  • It is important to remain still during the scanning process to obtain the best image quality.
  • The technician will be able to see and hear you at all times during the inspection. You'll also get an emergency device so you can always get a technician's attention if you need it.
  • MRA of the brain takes approximately 15 minutes.

What does it feel like to have magnetic resonance angiography (MRA)?

You will not feel pain from the magnetic fields or radio waves used in MRI tests. But lying in one position for a long time may make you feel tired or sore.

A special intravenous (IV) dye called "contrast" is often used in MRA tests to help better visualize certain parts of the body during the scan.

If contrast media is used, you may feel a little cool when it is put into the IV.

In rare cases, you may feel:

  • If you have metal dental fillings, your mouth may feel stinging.
  • The temperature of the area being inspected. This is normal. Tell your doctor if you have nausea, vomiting, headache, dizziness, pain, burning, or difficulty breathing.

What do I do after scanning?

  • Magnetic resonance angiography can be performed on an outpatient or inpatient basis. Scans usually cause no side effects or complications. A radiologist, a doctor trained to interpret radiology exams, will analyze the images. The radiologist will send the report to your primary care physician or referring physician, who will share the results with you.

What are the risks?

The strong magnetic fields used in MRI have no known harmful effects. But magnets are very powerful. It may affect any metal implants or other medical devices you have.

Risks of contrasting materials

Contrast materials containing gadolinium can be used for this scan. But for most people, the benefits of using it in this test outweigh the risks. Be sure to tell your doctor if you have kidney problems or are pregnant.

If contrast material is used during testing, there is a slight chance of allergic reaction. But most reactions are mild and can be treated with medication.

If you are breastfeeding and have concerns about whether the contrast agent used in this test is safe, talk to your doctor. Most experts believe that very little of the dye passes into breast milk and even less is passed on to the baby. But if you're worried, you can stop breastfeeding for up to 24 hours after the test. During this time, you can feed your baby the breast milk you stored before the test. Do not use breast milk pumped within 24 hours of the test. Throw it away.

3 major diseases diagnosed by magnetic resonance angiography

If your doctor suspects that a blood vessel in your body may be narrowed or blocked, a magnetic resonance angiogram may be recommended. MRA allows neuroradiologists to evaluate healthy and diseased blood vessels in the brain and neck and observe blood flow within them.

Top 3 diseases MRA is used to diagnose

  • Aneurysm - A weak spot in the wall of an artery that eventually ruptures. Aneurysms can occur anywhere in your body; they are most commonly diagnosed in: the brain, aorta, legs, and spleen.
  • Stroke - A stroke is a severe interruption of the blood supply to the brain. Most strokes are caused by a sudden blockage of an artery leading to the brain or by a ruptured blood vessel that bleeds into brain tissue.
  • Renal artery stenosis – Renal artery disease is caused by the buildup of plaque in the arteries that lead to the kidneys. Blockage of the kidney arteries, called renal artery stenosis, can lead to high blood pressure, congestive heart failure, and kidney failure.


MRI and MRA are both non-invasive and painless diagnostic tools used to view tissue, bones or organs in the body.

MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) creates detailed images of organs and tissues. MRA focuses more on the blood vessels than the tissue around them.

Your doctor will usually order an MRA if they are looking for problems within the blood vessels. Here's what you need to know about both tests:

What is MRI?

An MRI is a scan used to look at parts of the body inside.

This may include organs, tissues and bones. An MRI machine generates a magnetic field, which then reflects radio waves through the body to map the scanned areas of the body.

Sometimes during an MRI, doctors must use a contrast agent to help the radiologist see the part of the body being scanned more thoroughly.

What is MRA?

MRA is a type of MRI examination.

Often, MRA is done together with MRI. MRA evolved from MRI and allowed doctors to view blood vessels more thoroughly.

MRA consists of MRI signals including spatial data.

MRA versus MRI

Both MRA and MRI are used to look at internal parts of the body.

MRI is used for brain abnormalities, joint injuries, and a variety of other abnormalities,

And MRA can be used for:

  • Stroke and heart attack
  • aortic coarctation
  • carotid artery disease
  • heart disease
  • Other blood vessel problems


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