
What kind of fish is saury ?

The swordfish lives in the Sea of ​​Japan, East China Sea, Pacific Ocean, Seto Inland Sea, Sea of ​​Japan and other waters from Hokkaido to southern Kyushu. Coast of the East China Sea. It is one of the fish species that prefers warm waters, with a longer season from spring to autumn depending on the region.
There are two main theories about the origin of this name; one is that its body is flat and long, like a long Japanese sword , so it is called Taito fish; the other is that it swims with its head held high in the water.
It is a rather ferocious fish with sharp teeth that feeds on crustaceans, small fish and shrimp, sometimes attacking and eating its mates.
Swordfish have no scales and their bodies are covered in a silvery substance called guanine. It was also used in the past to make artificial pearls and nail polish containing pearls.

How to select and handle saury

Fresh saury has a shiny silver color and a hard surface. This type of fish is naturally thin-fleshed, so try to choose thicker-fleshed fish.
Since it is a very long fish, we cut off the head first. After that, remove the giblets and cut into appropriate size, cut into two or three pieces according to your purpose to make cooking easier.
Swordfish usually have small, hard bones at the base of their dorsal fins, so if you don't plan on cutting them into three pieces, you can make them easier to eat by removing the small bones near the dorsal fin.

First, insert a knife from left and right along the dorsal fin. Then, use a knife to press the dorsal fin against the cutting board and pull it out, pulling out the dorsal fin along with the small bones.

Nutritional value of hairtail fish


Protein is one of the three major nutrients, accounting for about 1/5 of the average adult body weight. It is not only found in muscles and blood, but is also used as an energy source. Also, since it is constantly breaking down and regenerating, it must be taken daily.


  • DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) is an omega-3 fatty acid said to help lower blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels and prevent lifestyle-related diseases. It also helps prevent brain atrophy and improves memory.
  • EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) is also a type of omega-3 fatty acid, which can keep blood vessels and cell membranes soft, helping to prevent heart disease and cerebral infarction.

100 grams of raw hairtail contains 16.5 grams of protein and 16.96 grams of total fatty acids. It is a high-fat fish. But it contains 1400mg of DHA and 970mg of EPA, and is characterized by a high proportion of high-quality fat.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that aids in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus and has been shown to be effective in preventing osteoporosis. In addition to getting it from food, it can be produced in the body through exposure to sunlight.
A lack of vitamin D can lead to rickets and osteoporosis, and excessive intake can lead to hypercalcemia and kidney damage. Be careful when using supplements.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin with strong antioxidant effects. Therefore, it can prevent the aging of cell membranes and blood vessels, promote blood circulation, and is expected to be effective in anti-aging and preventing lifestyle-related diseases.
However, if you take too many fat-soluble vitamins, they can accumulate in the body, so you need to be careful not to take too much when using supplements or medications.

Different types of cooking methods

Taima is popular both raw and cooked.

  • Sashimi plate . When eaten raw, ponzu is often used instead of soy sauce and topped with red leaves/grated radish and chili peppers.
  • as nigiri sushi
  • Cut into thin strips and serve as sushi warships
  • Sashimi, aburi" (lightly grilled), served with a little ponzu and some momijoroshi (grated daikon with chili), or with some finely chopped vegetables.
  • Frying is also popular, especially when the bones are very fresh. This fried bone is one of the important sources of calcium for the Japanese
  • Grilled saury is the most common way in Japan and is a simple and healthy addition to many meals.
  • Lemon Roast


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