
What to pay attention to when wearing yoga clothing

Many yoga clothes are made from polyester-nylon-spandex blends, and for good reason—these fabrics offer the right balance of comfort, breathability, and flexibility:

  • Comfort: There is nothing worse than practicing yoga in uncomfortable clothing. When you're adjusting your body, you don't want to focus on itchy seams and tags, a sagging or too-tight waistband, or fabric that's restricting and chafing.
  • Breathability: Depending on the type of yoga you do, you may sweat a little or a lot . Especially if you sweat a lot, be sure to wear breathable and moisture-wicking materials to keep you cool and comfortable. Tank tops, cut-out shirts, and yoga pants with mesh pockets all improve breathability and breathability. Avoid cotton as it absorbs moisture, making you feel hot and clammy, and then leaving you prone to chafing or colds at the end of the session.
  • Flexibility: Yoga involves bending, stretching, binding, lunges, stretches and rolling. Your clothes need to be able to keep up with these movements, which means they're likely to be made from at least 15% spandex.

What to wear to a yoga class

Yoga clothing falls into a category often referred to as "athleisure," which means people now wear yoga clothing for fashion rather than just function. As a result, you'll now find yoga gear with pockets, mesh cutouts, bright colors, versatile patterns, and more. While all of this is fun, if you're planning on dressing up for an actual yoga class, remember to pay attention to functionality: When you're trying on clothes, consider doing some yoga poses in the locker room or at home to test the garment's flexibility. and comfort.

A typical yoga wardrobe includes:

Yoga Leggings/Pants: Yoga clothing brands offer a variety of styles of yoga pants in various lengths and fits. As with all yoga apparel, look for yoga pants or leggings that offer a combination of breathability, flexibility, and comfort. Nylon-polyester-spandex blend pants are a good choice because they change with your posture and are moisture-wicking.

If you're worried about coverage when bending and stretching, high-waisted leggings or pants may be a good choice; they're generally less likely to slip during quick exercises and less likely to ride too hard in inverted poses like downward dog. Far. Most leggings range from mid-calf to full-leg length. For slower yoga classes like restorative or yin yoga, baggy pants may be a good choice; they are generally not recommended for power flow classes because they can impede mobility. If you choose to wear baggy pants for a challenging yoga class, look for pants that tighten around the ankles.

Yoga shorts: Some brands make men’s yoga shorts with built-in linings that provide comfort during curvy, stretchy exercises. Alternatively, you can find knee-length yoga shorts, which can help provide coverage during handstands. Spandex yoga shorts are generally marketed to women, but they can be a tricky thing. They tend to ride up during practice and don't provide much coverage in complex poses. However, some people find that they are the most comfortable option when large amounts of heat and sweat are involved, such as in hot yoga classes.

In general, avoid wearing yoga pants that are too thin, sheer, saggy or cotton. If you've built up some heat during the exercise, remember that longer leg coverage is good for arm balance poses, as the fabric can help prevent your legs from slipping off your sweaty arms.

Yoga Tops: Regardless of style, most yoga practitioners prefer to wear a well-fitting T-shirt or a tank top that fits snugly around the hips and waist. This narrow fit prevents the shirt from falling on your head when bending forward. Shirts made from breathable, moisture-wicking materials and soft seams are also a good idea for sweaty sessions; avoid rubbing against itchy tags and tops under your arms. Many yoga vests also have a built-in sports bra.

Test your yoga top by bending forward and touching your toes in the locker room: Does the shirt have a gap at your chest or fall down on your head? If so, change it to a tighter shirt. As always, avoid cotton.

Yoga Sweater/Jacket: If you plan on running errands after class, you may want a warm and comfortable yoga cover-up, such as a jacket, quarter-zip, or sweatshirt. This is especially helpful after leaving a sweaty class in the winter: wearing a few layers of clothing can prevent you from feeling cold as soon as you leave a warm room.

Sports Bra: Your choice of sports bra depends on your bra size and coverage needs. Generally speaking, higher-intensity classes like power flow yoga require more support because you may be twisting and inverting. If you plan on taking a low-intensity class like yin yoga or restorative yoga, a lower level of support is fine. It's worth noting that many female yoga practitioners wear only a sports bra and no tank tops or T-shirts during sweaty classes. Some yoga shirts and tank tops already have built-in bras.

Yoga Socks: Some people like to wear socks while practicing yoga to prevent their feet from slipping on the mat. Most yoga socks have plastic treads on the bottom to prevent sliding; you can also find yoga toe socks. If you don't want to wear socks in class, consider purchasing a non-slip yoga mat or using a yoga towel over your existing mat.

Breathable underwear: Like any exercise, yoga requires sweating and movement, so you'll want to wear a base layer that's breathable, moisture-wicking, and doesn't bunch up; avoid cotton. Look for underwear that won’t chafe or move around too much during deep stretches. Some people prefer to wear well-fitting yoga pants and no underwear.

How to care for your yoga clothes

Most yoga apparel will come with washing instructions, but generally speaking, it's best to turn the gear inside out and wash it in cold water, then tumble dry briefly on low. If you have time, hang your gear to dry rather than drying it in the dryer; short cycles or line drying can extend the life of your clothes. If you have brightly colored clothing, wash them separately the first few times to prevent the color from bleeding. In addition, please wash yoga equipment separately from cotton materials such as towels, because cotton fibers tend to stick to yoga clothes.


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