
Why does eczema get worse at night?

Many factors can cause eczema to flare up in the middle of the night. Potential factors that may cause eczema to worsen at night include:

  • Skin moisture loss
  • body temperature changes
  • Contact allergens

Nighttime scratching may also occur subconsciously. When the skin is scratched during sleep, it can cause more itching.

Moisturizer applied after your morning shower may wear off as bedtime approaches, which can also lead to more severe itching.

How to Reduce Nighttime Eczema Itching

From taking a nightly bath to using a special moisturizer, there are a number of things you can try to reduce nighttime eczema itchiness.

First, it’s important to reduce your eczema triggers. Triggers for attacks vary from person to person, and it may be helpful to spend a few weeks or months identifying them.

A diary is a great place to record emergencies and when they occur. For example, if your eczema flares up when you're stressed, or if you wear a new outfit or try a new moisturizer or soap, write it down.

Once you find your triggers, you can do your best to eliminate or at least minimize them. This will prepare you to try some of the following tips.

Tips for better sleep

A good night's sleep is important for your health. There are many ways to make sure your body and mind get the rest it needs before bed each night.

Adjust your thermostat

Body temperature is closely related to eczema. The hotter the weather, the worse the eczema.

Many people wake up in the middle of the night from being overheated and experience increased itching associated with eczema.

Here are a few ways you can stay cool at night:

  1. Adjust the thermostat before bed: This can include turning off the heater or lowering the temperature by 3-5 degrees.
  2. Buy an automatic temperature system: You can program it to lower the temperature at specific times each night. This reduces the guesswork and memorization required to keep a room cool.

By paying close attention to your room's temperature levels while you sleep, you may be able to reduce the severity of your eczema symptoms.

However, there is no universal temperature that is best for everyone. You may need to try different temperatures to find the one that works best for your sleep.

Choose soothing sheets

The material of sheets you sleep on can also greatly affect your body temperature while you sleep.

Try making the following adjustments to your sheets and bed:

  • Invest in dust mite covers for pillows and mattresses: Dust mites are a common cause of eczema in many people. If this is you, using these covers on your mattress and pillows may reduce itchiness during sleep.
  • Buy a duvet, blanket or comforter made from materials that are easy to wash and dry: 100% cotton or bamboo are a good place to start. This means you can wash them frequently to remove dust mites or skin debris that may interfere with your sleep.

Clean, soft sheets made from breathable fabric are often best for people with eczema who want to sleep better at night.

Reduce scratching at night

Many people unintentionally scratch their eczema patches at night. To reduce the risk of scratching your eczema patches and making the condition worse, keep your nails trimmed.

You may also find it helpful to wear soft cotton gloves at night to cover your nails and reduce itchiness. Ideally, you can train yourself to stop itching by wearing gloves. Once itching is less likely, you can remove the gloves at night.

Apply moisturizer before bed

If you sleep with dry skin, you may wake up several times because of it.

About 30 minutes to an hour before bed, apply a thick moisturizer to the areas affected by eczema.

Doing this an hour before bed will allow the ointment to penetrate the skin better. It's also a good idea to moisturize right after a bath or shower while your skin is still damp to lock in moisture.

Maintain good sleep hygiene

Sleeping habits that help people without eczema may also work for people with eczema.

Here are some examples of these sleep habits:

  • Stick to a consistent bedtime and wake-up time every day: This trains your body to fall asleep and stay asleep.
  • Use relaxation techniques an hour or so before bed: such as meditating, taking a bath, listening to soothing music, or reading.
  • Avoid overeating, drinking caffeine, or smoking before bed: These habits have been linked to disrupted sleep.
  • Turn off all computer and phone screens before bed: The light from electronics can trick your brain into thinking it's not yet time to go to sleep. Visual cues like a dark room will make you more likely to sleep better.
  • These steps are all designed to reduce stress and anxiety that may further interfere with sleep. As an added bonus, by reducing stress, you may also improve your eczema and reduce flare-ups.

Choose the right pajamas

The clothes you wear to bed can affect the quality of your rest, just like the fabric on your bed can affect your sleep.

Don't wear clothes that are too rough, scratchy or too tight. Make sure to dress appropriately for how hot or cold the weather is so you can avoid sweating.

When choosing pajamas, you should choose breathable, loose, breathable, and moisture-absorbent fabrics. Pajamas that are 100% cotton are usually your best choice.

When to see a doctor

If you have trouble sleeping due to excessive itching at night, you can discuss your eczema with a dermatologist.

If you have a doctor monitoring your eczema, they may prescribe a special topical cream or recommend other lifestyle changes to try to reduce eczema flare-ups that occur after sleeping.

If you have been suffering from nighttime attacks and lack of sleep for a long time, you may want to discuss possible treatments with your primary care doctor. Short-term sleep medications may be needed. Or your doctor may recommend different holistic treatments to get more sleep.


If you experience symptoms such as difficulty concentrating, severe daytime sleepiness, or sudden changes in mood, these are signs that eczema is disrupting your sleep.

Ideally, you should get about 7-8 hours of sleep each night. If you're not getting enough sleep, try the tips listed above to reduce your symptoms.

You should also consider talking to your doctor about ways to adjust your medications to improve your sleep and skin.


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