

Whatever the cause, this psychological pain can be severe and seriously affect many different areas of your life.

While it's often dismissed as less serious than physical pain, it's important to take emotional pain seriously. There are many common feelings associated with emotional pain that can affect your physical and mental health.

Also known as : mental anguish, mental anguish, mental anguish, emotional anguish, psychological anguish, algopsychalia, soul pain, or mental anguish

Symptoms of emotional distress

Symptoms of emotional pain may include feelings of:

  • deep sadness, sorrow, or depression
  • sad
  • intense pain
  • loneliness and isolation
  • negative emotion
  • panic
  • anger
  • shame
  • worthless

Causes of emotional pain

There are many different emotions that can cause psychological distress. Everyone may experience these feelings from time to time, but when the feelings are intense and persistent, they can interfere with a person's ability to function and carry out normal daily activities.


Sadness is a natural emotion associated with loss and disappointment. However, if it doesn't subside over time, it could indicate a treatable condition called depression, which can affect your entire body.

unexpressed anger

Anger is a basic human emotion. It releases adrenaline, increases muscle tone and speeds up breathing. This is the "fight" part of the "fight/flight/freeze" response. Sometimes it can be mobilized; however, if not managed properly, this response can lead to long-term physical consequences.


Like anger, anxiety and fear release adrenaline. This often results in nervousness, a tendency to startle easily, an inability to relax (the "flight" response), or a feeling of being immobilized or stuck (the "freeze" response).

Substance use may also cause anxiety, in which case abstinence from alcohol and drugs often improves symptoms. Tell your doctor about any alcohol or drug use to make sure you get the correct diagnosis and treatment.

shame and guilt

Shame and guilt often lead to a "nervous" or heavy feeling in the stomach. As is common among addicts, shame can lead to and be exacerbated by the need for secrecy.

If left unaddressed, long-term feelings of shame and guilt can lead to physical symptoms.


Some common types of physical pain that may be associated with emotional distress include:

  • diarrhea
  • Dizziness
  • Headache
  • Muscle pain, especially in the neck
  • nausea
  • arm and leg pain
  • Stomach pain or upset stomach

Emotional pain may also be accompanied by:

  • aggression and violence
  • alcohol or substance use
  • suicide attempt
  • Compulsive behaviors, including shopping, gambling, and sex addiction
  • eating disorder
  • risky behavior
  • self-mutilation
  • suicidal thoughts

physical pain vs. emotional pain

Both emotional pain and physical pain are associated with changes in the prefrontal cortex and cingulate cortex.

Some types of pain are purely physical, and some are purely emotional; but many times, the pain lies somewhere in the middle.

emotional pain treatment

Treatment for emotional pain often involves addressing the underlying causes of symptoms, so treatment often depends on the individual diagnosis. Mental illnesses such as anxiety and depression can be treated with psychotherapy, medication, or a combination of both.


and other specific methods. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)


Medications may sometimes be prescribed to address certain symptoms of emotional distress. Such medications may include:

  • Antidepressants, including selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) such as Prozac (fluoxetine) and Zoloft (sertraline).
  • Anti-anxiety medications, including benzodiazepines such as Valium (diazepam) and Xanax (alprazolam).

complementary and alternative medicine

Sometimes, alternative therapies such as acupuncture, tai chi, yoga, biofeedback, hypnosis, and meditation can also be used to help relieve symptoms of emotional pain.


Emotional pain is often as intense as physical pain, sometimes even causing symptoms of body pain. It can also have adverse effects on short- and long-term mental health, so it's important to get appropriate help and treatment.

Because emotional pain is so painful, people often turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms, including drugs and alcohol. The problem is that while these methods may provide short-term relief, they can cause more harm in the long run.

Some healthier ways to manage symptoms of emotional pain can include:

  • Talk to someone : Social support is crucial to emotional health, and talking to someone trustworthy, whether it's a good friend or a counselor, can help.
  • Exercise : Physical activity has been shown to be effective in improving mood, so it's a great way to help cope with emotional pain. Boost Your Mood It's better to vent your anger by running around the block than to show aggression. An afternoon walk is better than scrolling endlessly through social media posts
  • Practice mindfulness : Mindfulness is a mental practice of focusing on the present moment, which can be helpful when you are trying to cope with difficult emotions such as anxiety, sadness, grief, and more. and anger. This process includes not only becoming more aware of your emotions, but also learning to accept and let go of the need to control or eliminate those emotions.

Most importantly, if symptoms of emotional distress are causing severe distress or interfering with your daily life, talk to your doctor or mental health professional.


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